New chicks (feather footers) Need help ID-ing

Well none of those have feathered feet so not any of those. Tsc mixes up labels all the time. Can you get a photo of the combs?
Breed 1 Comb.jpg breed 2 comb.jpg
Sure can, here you go
I’d guess Hoovers is so swamped they are using any brown layer for the assortment and not just the ones listed. Agree that it looks like a silver laced Cochin (same pattern as a SLWyandotte!) & partridge Cochin. I originally thought Brahma, which would be the other feather breed but they wouldn’t come silver laced but rarely.

Out of curiosity, what do the other 2 chicks look like?

We are getting our first Cochin this year, primarily because of their lovely demeanor!
I’d guess Hoovers is so swamped they are using any brown layer for the assortment and not just the ones listed. Agree that it looks like a silver laced Cochin (same pattern as a SLWyandotte!) & partridge Cochin. I originally thought Brahma, which would be the other feather breed but they wouldn’t come silver laced but rarely.

Out of curiosity, what do the other 2 chicks look like?

We are getting our first Cochin this year, primarily because of their lovely demeanor!

The other two are pretty cute ngl
chick breed 3.jpg
and two
chick breed 4.jpg

I also have my first girl (Nilla Wafer) that we got accidentally (they didnt notice her under the waterer at TSC on tuesday and so sold all the others to some guy and then turned off all the lights, but i heard peeping and went hunting and found her so they just gave her to me)

she's a few days older and a Starlight Green Egger who is beyond spoiled and is enjoying picking up large pieces of shaving and running around while the smaller chicks chase her

Nilla 1.jpg

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