New here. Introducing Bocboc my new house chicken


Dec 22, 2024
So I got a new chicken last week. She is a single 8 week old Bantam I got as a companion for my bunny that was surrendered to me by an old coworker before she moved and had to get rid of the bunny. Bunny doesn't seem too impressed with her, and Bocboc has bonded to me instead.
I plan on getting her a second bantam friend in a few months once I get her indoor home all set up properly. Right now she's just in a 10 gallon tank with a heat lamp. But she spends the majority of the time I'm home out and about with either me or my 8 year old girls. She is very very social. Much more so than I would have thought. I know little about chickens. This is all new to me. I know a bit about birds. Eye pinning, pruning, how their feathers grow and how they need help sometimes breaking up the feather sheaths or whatever they are called. But I have a lot of learning to do. Eventually when I move I want to get a small backyardcoop of quail.

This chicken though, is needy! Lol
She wants to sleep with me every night. If I leave her in her tank she will let out these long calls, that to my unknowledgeable ear, sounds like she doesn't want to be in there alone. And I don't want her stressed out. When I open her cage she flies to my shoulder almost immediately. She's taken to sleeping with me on my pillow, that I sewed a little nest in the side so her poops stay off me and the bed until I can get her a diaper. But she still ends I cuddling in my neck sometimes, while adorable, but of which is not ideal.

She prunes my neck hair sometimes too.

I'm pretty sure she loves me. Here are some pics and videos of Bocboc. Don't judge the mess in the background. We are digging the whole house apart


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So I got a new chicken last week. She is a single 8 week old Bantam I got as a companion for my bunny that was surrendered to me by an old coworker before she moved and had to get rid of the bunny. Bunny doesn't seem too impressed with her, and Bocboc has bonded to me instead.
I plan on getting her a second bantam friend in a few months once I get her indoor home all set up properly. Right now she's just in a 10 gallon tank with a heat lamp. But she spends the majority of the time I'm home out and about with either me or my 8 year old girls. She is very very social. Much more so than I would have thought. I know little about chickens. This is all new to me. I know a bit about birds. Eye pinning, pruning, how their feathers grow and how they need help sometimes breaking up the feather sheaths or whatever they are called. But I have a lot of learning to do. Eventually when I move I want to get a small backyardcoop of quail.

This chicken though, is needy! Lol
She wants to sleep with me every night. If I leave her in her tank she will let out these long calls, that to my unknowledgeable ear, sounds like she doesn't want to be in there alone. And I don't want her stressed out. When I open her cage she flies to my shoulder almost immediately. She's taken to sleeping with me on my pillow, that I sewed a little nest in the side so her poops stay off me and the bed until I can get her a diaper. But she still ends I cuddling in my neck sometimes, while adorable, but of which is not ideal.

She prunes my neck hair sometimes too.

I'm pretty sure she loves me. Here are some pics and videos of Bocboc. Don't judge the mess in the background. We are digging the whole house apart
I wanted to update that she doesn't cry at night anymore in her cage. I got her a friend from her original hatch group and they get along so well and cuddle at night. So she's happy to sleep in her cage now
So I got a new chicken last week. She is a single 8 week old Bantam I got as a companion for my bunny that was surrendered to me by an old coworker before she moved and had to get rid of the bunny. Bunny doesn't seem too impressed with her, and Bocboc has bonded to me instead.
I plan on getting her a second bantam friend in a few months once I get her indoor home all set up properly. Right now she's just in a 10 gallon tank with a heat lamp. But she spends the majority of the time I'm home out and about with either me or my 8 year old girls. She is very very social. Much more so than I would have thought. I know little about chickens. This is all new to me. I know a bit about birds. Eye pinning, pruning, how their feathers grow and how they need help sometimes breaking up the feather sheaths or whatever they are called. But I have a lot of learning to do. Eventually when I move I want to get a small backyardcoop of quail.

This chicken though, is needy! Lol
She wants to sleep with me every night. If I leave her in her tank she will let out these long calls, that to my unknowledgeable ear, sounds like she doesn't want to be in there alone. And I don't want her stressed out. When I open her cage she flies to my shoulder almost immediately. She's taken to sleeping with me on my pillow, that I sewed a little nest in the side so her poops stay off me and the bed until I can get her a diaper. But she still ends I cuddling in my neck sometimes, while adorable, but of which is not ideal.

She prunes my neck hair sometimes too.

I'm pretty sure she loves me. Here are some pics and videos of Bocboc. Don't judge the mess in the background. We are digging the whole house apart
Oh and this is her new cage that's about to be doubled in size next week


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Are they going to always be house chickens?
In the background of this photo it's easy to see how their cage has doubled in size and I plan on getting a third cage to make it even bigger again. Yes they will always be house chickens. They are too spoiled for the outside coop life.
They have a scratch box, dust bathing station and a variety of foods, including dried mealworms, and a nice big cage to hang out in when I'm not home to supervise out of cage times. I think as house chickens go, they are very happy. Always coming up for a cuddle if I'm on the couch for too long, or in bed sleeping with the girls if I forget to close their cage at bedtime.





Thanks for the pictures, looks like a great setup!
It had never occurred to me before that chickens could and would be happy to live inside all the time! So I was very intrigued by your post. I mean I've had sick chickens indoors temporarily and my hatchlings stay inside for a few weeks etc but a chicken has always been an outside animal in my mind!
You have 2 beautiful birds.
Thanks for the pictures, looks like a great setup!
It had never occurred to me before that chickens could and would be happy to live inside all the time! So I was very intrigued by your post. I mean I've had sick chickens indoors temporarily and my hatchlings stay inside for a few weeks etc but a chicken has always been an outside animal in my mind!
You have 2 beautiful birds.
Thank you! I don't have a backyard so I made sure to get them from someone who would take them back if they weren't thriving, but so far they seem like very happy birds. Always looking for a snack. Especially Bocboc. She's got an assertive personality and if she wants something, she's gonna try real hard to get it. Keeps me on my toes. And I dunno what it is about toilet paper. But it's her absolute favorite snack. Can't leave any laying around lol

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