New Layena Bags

I spoke with the manager of our TSC just a few days ago and mentioned that there were people having issues with the plastice bags. He was vrey glad that I brought it up, said TSC and Purina both really want to hear feedback about their products. One of the biggest issues that determined the switch to plastic according to him was waste with the plastic bags. Both from the factory, during shipping, loading there at the store, and when it arrives at out chicken coop. He said that when the paper bags were stacked and then moved with a forklift, there were always a whole layer of paper bags that would fail from the pressure, especially if it was wet weather. At the store, same thing, and moving them on pallets would tear holes in the bags as well. And I can't tell you how many times I have tried to pull a bag out of the back of my van, or move one from the floor into a position where I could get the feed into a rubbermaid trash can and ripped part of it and then lost some or had to resort to special handling. (I'm a 5'2" 60 something yr old woman with arthritis and FM, some days are really rough to lift or move these bags alone). Anyway, I can see where that was a factor in switching to plastic. Still not sure how I feel about it, I liked the paper for lots of other things, will now have to try to make these functional in some way myself. But did want to pass his words along. He did say to get ahold of Purina and let them know how you feel.
Thanks, Curliet. I did contact Purina and got a reply which I in turn copied and pasted to this thread. It may have been too long, or something, because it was removed. They got back to me very promptly.
To bad there wasn't a way to return the bags back to where you bought them, and have them returned to the factory to be refilled. I wish all packaging was made to be returned like the soda bottles used to be. I like the idea of making products that are designed to last. Even packaging.
I'm divided. The new ones are slippery and hard to manage but the old ones did rip easily. We always reuse our feed bags for trash bags no matter what they're made of, but the paper ones just seemed more environmentally friendly--burn or decompose quickly
What size is your bag? Mine are 50 lbs, and it would be a HUGE shopping bag. Can you get Layena in 25 lb bags?

What size is your bag? Mine are 50 lbs, and it would be a HUGE shopping bag. Can you get Layena in 25 lb bags?


Hi, Jen! The one I made was the 50 lb bag. You can fit A LOT of stuff in the bag as long as it doesn't get too heavy. I know that you can get the Purina Chick Starter in a 25 lb bag, but I'm not sure if they have switched that size from the paper to plastic.
What size is your bag? Mine are 50 lbs, and it would be a HUGE shopping bag. Can you get Layena in 25 lb bags?


Hi, Jen! The one I made was the 50 lb bag. You can fit A LOT of stuff in the bag as long as it doesn't get too heavy. I know that you can get the Purina Chick Starter in a 25 lb bag, but I'm not sure if they have switched that size from the paper to plastic.

Yep the start and grow is in 25lbers. I'm making awesome totes from them now
Nutrena has come in the poly bags for quite a while. When they switched to poly they also switched to 40lb bags. I wish the Nutrena bags were as neat as the Layena bags. I would make shopping bags from them if they were!
I kinda like the new poly bags I use them for all sorts of things. I put those metal rings for tarps in the corners and make small tarps to cover things Im a trapping and needed an apron so I made one out of the bags. I save a few for when I process my chickens I have a nice big bag to put all the feathers and what not in. Well that is just a few ideas for you all I hope this is not a repeat.

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