
Hope you enjoy your time here! 😊
Hiya, Amelia, and welcome to BYC! :frow

We raise silkie chickens in Wisconsin and most have an insulated coop with heat to 40F, but several have a hutch in a pen with a flat panel heater in it (cozy coop) as we usually have a 6-month winter with a few weeks of sub-zero temps. We keep their water from freezing either by using the electric nipple buckets, the coops that are heated to 40F, or an aquarium heater in a bucket even works for those outside.
Hi Amelia! We've raised chickens, quails, goats and rabbits and I hope your plans to raise them come to fruition! They are all such nice animals to keep.

There are plenty of other members with a lot of experience here, so any question you have, feel free to find the appropriate forum to post in to find answers!

Thanks for joining and welcome to BackYard Chickens!

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