New \o.o/

I have a pair (they're actually my roommate's now) in a plastic bin that I converted to a brooder and is now a button quail habitat. This picture is from when it was a brooder. Now it has fake plants and little boxes for hidey holes in it.
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What bedding is that o.o maybe its cheap on amazon
Update o.o the eggs are in my city as of a hour ago though i doubt ill get them untill monday ^^ only thing has me worried is if they want to they can take up to tuesday
\o.o/ so i am ready for my eggs which should show up tomorrow incubator will hold 12 if he sent more then 12 i was thinking of trying to make a incubator long as i have the heat/air at 99.5-100f o.o it should be fine right? Doing it with a heating pad need a idea on how to boost humidity for lock down on them


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Long story short been in hospital and button egg replacements showed up Thursday like a week late and then friday 30 qoutanix (sorry if spelled wrong) showed up friday !!!! I canceled this order from hatch poultry farms off Amazon . Even though hatch poultry farms tried to force the charge on my card so i had to call amazon and my card to get my money back !!!! Damn scammers wait a month late then try to charge me when i canceled!!!!! Anyways the damn eggs showed up anyways now wtf am i supposed to do !!!! I don't have another incubator or money :eek:
Its been so long but UPDATE! ok so here are pics the replacement eggs showed up thursday ( button quail eggs) so that's day 0 and i see signs of life in the ones i candled in the make shift incubator wich by the way I'm freaking shocked it works i have not opened the normal incubator at all cuz it really messes with the temp on this cheap thing and as for the big eggs my partner picked a few to incubate and they arrived friday so that's there day 0 o.o im just so sad i couldnt incubate more of them as 30 showed up the only problem is that they should have never showed up in the first place XD so no complaints really just a update funny part is the first button to show life and is ahead is one that had a small crack which i sealed thanks to trick i learned on byc clear nail polish a bit of this if the crack isnt bad or leaking ^^ so in all i have 16 button eggs and 4 courtanix eggs incubating i had 6 courtanix (so spelling that wrong aren't i) but 1 i ccandled no life or blood signs plus it seemed off almost as if water was sloshing around inside and i was right it was bad and the other ended up with a tiny accident but instead of nail polish i had a feeling and again was right. Hope some ones enjoying this thread and i hope to post chicks soon. Huh kinda funny the buttons are due aug 1st lol (ignore the temp i was adjusting it)


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I hatched my first quail this year from shipped eggs and they have been a joy to get to this point(about 3-4 weeks old)..Welcome to BYC..:frow
I hope a few hatch this time :fl go ahead and show ur cute quails
UPDATE i popped off the incubator lid for the button quail since it is now day 9 and omfg the one in the corner is so developed o.o the giant blood veins are beating with a heart beat and wiggling like snakes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I didnt want to keep it out long so i didn't get pics !!! On day 13-14 when i get ready for lockdown ill see if i can get some good pics other then that one other showed movement and veins but was harder to see and a lot of the others i don't have much hope for others look like they stopped at small development like what happened with the first batch and the rest no hope but who knows since buttons are hard to candle but omg !! Im probably gonna keep the one with all the movements mostly cuz it has highest chance of hatching :fl so excited to see them hatch.can they hatch in the carton or should i for sure lay them on there side for lockdown?

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