New to the forum, but not to raising poultry.


Jan 10, 2020
New Jersey
Hello people,
I had a farm then moved to a townhouse for a job, but have moved back into the country in NJ, so I'm looking to reestablish a decent sized population of egg layers and a healthy breading population of single comb Nankin Bantams. If anyone knows of or have any nankins available for sale eggs or chicks, I may even buy grown birds if close enough, please feel free to contact me. I also plan on keeping egg layers and a small population of white cochin bantams, because they have the sweetest personality of any chicken I've come in contact and would like to use them to introduce my niece to keeping birds. I plan on keeping the Nankins enclosed in a coop and run for their safety and health. I had a small population of Nankins at my previous farm that was wiped out by hawks. I also had various breed of egg layers like Rhode Island reds and Buff Orpingtons, a small group of white cochin bantams, some Guinea hens, and a couple of white turkeys.

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