desperate need of help with hatching ducks


In the Brooder
Mar 11, 2016
Hi, I'm Grammy my husband Poppy and I have a small farm with lots of ducks, chickens, peacocks, turkeys, miniature ponies, mini donkeys and pigmy goats! We love our little farm it's only about a year old, all our animals are less than a year old except for a few of the chickens and ducks! I've been looking at some of the questions and answers, have found some really good suggestions and advice! Thank y'all!

Sorry, but I have little experience with hatching eggs and no experience with ducks but you could ask in the Ducks forum and I'm sure someone could help you!
Hi and welcome to BYC - theres lots of threads on all different types of animals, so i hope that you enjoy being a member to its fullest.

All the best

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