Newbie - What Breed to add with Buff Orps?

I'm sorta having a similar situation, I think I am going to put my 6 EE's pullets with my 2 Black Astralorp pullets.
Should I throw in a Astralorp rooster in the mix I have 4?
Or am I asking for trouble, none are ready to lay yet?
I have both the SLW and Austrolorp. I would get the Austrolorps again. I love to look at the Wyandottes, but they are aloof and really not interested in people, difficult to catch when I need to.
Sassy chickens!!! That's what I want!

Okay, so now I need some Wyandottes to go with whatever meat style chickens I'm getting!

(someday, I'll make up my mind and ORDER!!)

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