Nick's Flock Thread


May 15, 2024
Hey! My name is Nick, and this is my flock thread. I own one Barnyard mix rooster, two cockerels barnyard mix cockerels, two ameraucana pullets, a buff orp hen, a GLW, hen, a bantam buff brahma hen, 6 barnyard mix hens, ten barnyard mix chicks, a royal palm tom, a narragansett turkey hen, five button quail, and 26 eggs in the Bator. If you have any questions, feel free to ask!
What a diverse flock you own!
Thank you! I'm hoping to get more purebred breeding flocks. Idk what I'm gonna do, but I know I want to breed ameraucanas, and probably sultans as well. That's what I'm hoping to get this year. Next year I want a purebred coop of spitzhaubens. I usually get a new species of bird every year, (I had chickens for several years, then last year I got turkeys, and this year I got quail) so next year I hope to get either ringneck pheasants, peafowl, and guineafowl.
I'm most likely getting an ayam cemani rooster next week. I'm hoping to cross him with a dominant white hens to make those new "zombie" chickens. I'm also gonna cross him with a GLW hen. Maybe a buff orp or this other mutt hen as well.
I'm most likely getting an ayam cemani rooster next week. I'm hoping to cross him with a dominant white hens to make those new "zombie" chickens. I'm also gonna cross him with a GLW hen. Maybe a buff orp or this other mutt hen as well.
Yea I think the black skin gene is dominant. It would be cool to have a white chicken with black skin

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