No eggs


Mar 12, 2020
Do peahens skip a season? I have a 4 yo hen that has in the past seasons started laying at the end of April/beginning of May. Last year she went broody by the beginning of June and had a clutch of about 13 eggs. So far this season she has not laid one egg. The male has mated with her but still nothing. Just wondering if they can decide to sit out a season. She has ample nutrition and all the same accommodations as previous seasons.
Do peahens skip a season? I have a 4 yo hen that has in the past seasons started laying at the end of April/beginning of May. Last year she went broody by the beginning of June and had a clutch of about 13 eggs. So far this season she has not laid one egg. The male has mated with her but still nothing. Just wondering if they can decide to sit out a season. She has ample nutrition and all the same accommodations as previous seasons.
If you can figure out why any female does what she does you are way smarter than 99% of us. There could be a whole host of reasons, internal health problems comes to mind first. Environment, acceptance of the cock, nutrition, not breeding because of something outside of the pen like another cock she wants, predators around at night. It can be a long list.
Do peahens skip a season? I have a 4 yo hen that has in the past seasons started laying at the end of April/beginning of May. Last year she went broody by the beginning of June and had a clutch of about 13 eggs. So far this season she has not laid one egg. The male has mated with her but still nothing. Just wondering if they can decide to sit out a season. She has ample nutrition and all the same accommodations as previous seasons.
Wow that's strange.
I don't know where you live but is the weather different this year than last where you are?
Could she have found a better hiding spot to lay her eggs?
I had one year about 4 years back where most of my hens just did not lay. It happened to everyone and we never figured out what happened that people's birds just weren't laying. I still have those birds and the next year they laid as if nothing had happened at all.
I am thinking that maybe what I think is them mating…..might be him attempting and she is not following through????? Maybe she just needed a break. I honestly don’t see any other reason. I guess she knows what she’s doing.

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