North Carolina

Chores were actually enjoyable this morning, as the rain is warm instead of cold! YAY for warm rain. I love the rain when it's warm. I could stay out all day. And the bonus? I don't have to haul water to all the trees and such we put in a few weeks ago! Keep it up rain! We want no drought this year!

NH, if you think washing brings rain, then please wash twice a week!
Good morning Chicken people. I got nothing done this weekend since I was at a church retreat all weekend. We still have 5 cornish that I desperately need to get rid of. They are about 4-5 weeks past due. I just have not had time. Guess they will be crock pot chick/stew.

Hens and the two roosters are doing well. Still trying to decide what we are going to do with two roosters. Currently they get along, but that could change in a couple of weeks when we should start having some eggs.

Have a great week!

someone had a birthday over the weekend!
I have a pair of Button Quails that need a home. I would like to find a home locally, because I think its just too stressful for them to go all the way to the chickenstock with me. Anybody interested?
Wow! I have 3 silkies that I hope will set on eggs soon. They are coming on 5 months old. I'm not sure how big they are supposed to get but they are not as big as my other LF hens. On the they need a nesting box that is low to the ground? I have noticed that they don't get up on the perches and sleep on the floor under the nest boxes at night...???
I breed silkies. They are bantams so they are not going to get much bigger. They also won't go broody until they start to lay. With silkies they don't begin to lay until the earliest 6 months if your lucky. Between 7 and 8 is the average for POL. Some can be a year befor POL. I currently have a pullet who is 10 months old and still hasn't gone broody yet.
Can anyone help? I have two rhodebar eggs in my incubator that are pipping at the wrong end...should I help? If so when? Yikes, I really do want these little ones to make it...
NH, if you think washing brings rain, then please wash twice a week!


I've got quite a large garden this year and will be working full-time so I won't have much time to water. :D
I'm willing to do laundry twice a week, but only IF you two are willing to come over and help stuff diapers...LOL, I never seem to stay on top of the stuffing, and sadly it's only going to get worse in the coming months!! LOL. Of course now that we've established a system for getting it to if I do diapers it'll have the opposite effect...I'm unlucky like that!! LOL

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