North Carolina


This may be a stupid question, but are you sure the eggs are fertile?
If you've never gotten any to hatch it seems like it may be something besides humidity since I've had good hatch rates with crazy humidity and temp spikes.
Are you using your own eggs or mail order?
Do you open up the eggs that don't hatch at the end to see if they ever started developing?
I'm new to hatching and I always open all mine up to try and see what when wrong/when they stopped.
She said in her post she opened the eggs.
They were fully formed chicks that quit/died at the end.
Most likely a case of drowning from too high of humidity
at lockdown........just a guess.

It seems to be a common problem this year for many folks
because of the weather patterns and rain we are having.
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This may be a stupid question, but are you sure the eggs are fertile?
If you've never gotten any to hatch it seems like it may be something besides humidity since I've had good hatch rates with crazy humidity and temp spikes.
Are you using your own eggs or mail order?
Do you open up the eggs that don't hatch at the end to see if they ever started developing?
I'm new to hatching and I always open all mine up to try and see what when wrong/when they stopped.
I have tried with shipped eggs and my own. Yes they are fertile...I hade 4 eggs 2 weeks ago that had fully develop with fuzz..I opened them up after the 25th day...uuugghhhh. I have spot checked other eggs ...I have that bullseye.
Hello all. We are finally starting to get 5-6 eggs a day... of course it helped when I found one of mt girls hiding places. She (Abigail) was jumping out of the run, over the gate, to lay her eggs under the coop. When I finally noticed her doing it I went out to coop to see where she was laying them. That afternoon while the kids were napping I went out there with a rake and I raked all that was in that area.....18 eggs! So that evening when hubs got home I used some left over hardware cloth and closed up the coop all around so she could no longer get under there. So far found two of her eggs in coop.

I have on Amerucana that I have yet to find an egg from unless it is brown. Bummer. I bought three when I got chicks but one died one became a Rooster and the one I have...

was at Southern States is Asheboro yesterday and they had Leghorn pullets. Had to resist but I really wanted them.

Have a great day everyone!

PS dutch,wild sorry for your losses.
Hmmm.. I'm not sure what's worse waiting for the first egg or waiting to receive more. My 19 week old BR laid her first egg Sunday and hasn't laid any since. Is this common?
What is the proper way to place the eggs in the bator and the correct way to turn them?

So you put NO water in bator until lockdown....What temps are kept during 1-18 days? Then what temp on lockdown with the 40% humid?

I just lay them on the sides in the LG...If you are using a turner, then pointy side down. (air cell UP)
The turner in the LG fried the eggs...they are too close to the heat element.
I just roll them through my fingers 2 Xs a day.
Temps are 99-100* No water until lock down. Then just add a small amount of warm water. 40-50% is fine. Humidity will rise at hatch.
Chicks can live THREE days on egg yoke. I would not recommend leaving them in the bator 3 days..but certainly 24 hrs is fine.
Hello all. We are finally starting to get 5-6 eggs a day... of course it helped when I found one of mt girls hiding places. She (Abigail) was jumping out of the run, over the gate, to lay her eggs under the coop. When I finally noticed her doing it I went out to coop to see where she was laying them. That afternoon while the kids were napping I went out there with a rake and I raked all that was in that area.....18 eggs! So that evening when hubs got home I used some left over hardware cloth and closed up the coop all around so she could no longer get under there. So far found two of her eggs in coop.

I have on Amerucana that I have yet to find an egg from unless it is brown. Bummer. I bought three when I got chicks but one died one became a Rooster and the one I have...

was at Southern States is Asheboro yesterday and they had Leghorn pullets. Had to resist but I really wanted them.

Have a great day everyone!

PS dutch,wild sorry for your losses.

Man I am tempted to stop by ss this week. Doing my best not to go.
Okay thanks for clearing that up.
I missed the original post, just saw the conversation after.
I think you're right, sounds like they are drowning.
I hope your next hatch works for you!

Anyone else participating in the Hugs and Kisses consignment at the Expo center???
I am in consigning hell over here trying to get everything on hangers the right way and get everything entered and tagged. I'm up to 350 items and an equally large pile for donation. I feel like this is never ending, I'm determined to take back the toy room!

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