North Carolina

Thanks for letting us know!
I was glad to see the rain, we need it. The only problem lately is we get a good rain and then it's windy for several days afterward, it dries right back out.
It was muddy this morning and by this afternoon the ground was already somewhat dry.

It's raining a bit right now, but it's windy and looks like we'll have wind the next couple of days so there's that. 😅

I love right across the line from the fires and my sister works in Myrtle Beach and lives in SC. The fires are out this morning. We've had a few pop up random small fires in woods around 17 and on grey bridge Rd.

We had a lot of rain and some thunderstorms so I'm hoping that was enough for awhile.
~7 weeks old, a Buff Orpington, a Barred Rock, and an Easter Egger. I was going for non-wacko temperament (especially ability to get along with one another), appearance, and fun-colored eggs. Since I'm aware of chicken math, I'm already thinking of eventually adding a Welsummer and an Olive Egger. (Luckily AVL doesn't allow more than 7 hens within the city limits, which is probably more than my little urban lot needs anyway.) We've been talking about this for years, and decided last fall to do it. There may have been some wine involved. 🥂

I've enjoyed reading your posts!
Wine and chicken math is a BAD combo... okay maybe it's actually a GOOD combo lol! Welcome to the club.

AVL? 7 hens in an urban backyard isn't a lot. Of course, this could be wine and chicken math talking...

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