North Carolina

Thanks for letting us know!
I was glad to see the rain, we need it. The only problem lately is we get a good rain and then it's windy for several days afterward, it dries right back out.
It was muddy this morning and by this afternoon the ground was already somewhat dry.

It's raining a bit right now, but it's windy and looks like we'll have wind the next couple of days so there's that. 😅

I love right across the line from the fires and my sister works in Myrtle Beach and lives in SC. The fires are out this morning. We've had a few pop up random small fires in woods around 17 and on grey bridge Rd.

We had a lot of rain and some thunderstorms so I'm hoping that was enough for awhile.
~7 weeks old, a Buff Orpington, a Barred Rock, and an Easter Egger. I was going for non-wacko temperament (especially ability to get along with one another), appearance, and fun-colored eggs. Since I'm aware of chicken math, I'm already thinking of eventually adding a Welsummer and an Olive Egger. (Luckily AVL doesn't allow more than 7 hens within the city limits, which is probably more than my little urban lot needs anyway.) We've been talking about this for years, and decided last fall to do it. There may have been some wine involved. 🥂

I've enjoyed reading your posts!
Wine and chicken math is a BAD combo... okay maybe it's actually a GOOD combo lol! Welcome to the club.

AVL? 7 hens in an urban backyard isn't a lot. Of course, this could be wine and chicken math talking...
Hi y'all. My hubby and I are out in West NC. and we are moving to Texas in June. I am in the process of rehoming my flocks (we've been raising and keeping chickens for over five years now.)

I was able to have a neighbor who is taking the Speckled Sussex hens and now I need to find a home for Hazelnut, a Buff Orfington Rooster with his mixed flock of ladies (Americanas, Cinnamon Queens, Buff Orffington Hens).

First Hazelnut is one-of-a-kind rooster. We incubated, hatched him last year and he knew my voice immediately once he fluffed out of his shell. He is able to be picked up, carried, loved on. His disposition is bar-none like nothing I have ever raised before. He is protective of the girls but gentle with humans. Absolutely incredible. Truly, if I knew how to show-bird him I would but we are unable to take our birds to Texas.

All 9 of his gals have names and know their names and will come whe called. I have spent a long time working with this flock and they are an absolute joy and wonderfully decent egg-layers.

I am looking for a homestead of very-attention-to-detail experienced chicken owners who would love an easy-going, established flock, and may want to incubate eggs for ther future flocks.

My apologies if this is not posted in the right place. I have never posted here on the forum before though have found a wealth of useful information here over the years.


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Hi y'all. My hubby and I are out in West NC. and we are moving to Texas in June. I am in the process of rehoming my flocks (we've been raising and keeping chickens for over five years now.)

I was able to have a neighbor who is taking the Speckled Sussex hens and now I need to find a home for Hazelnut, a Buff Orfington Rooster with his mixed flock of ladies (Americanas, Cinnamon Queens, Buff Orffington Hens).

First Hazelnut is one-of-a-kind rooster. We incubated, hatched him last year and he knew my voice immediately once he fluffed out of his shell. He is able to be picked up, carried, loved on. His disposition is bar-none like nothing I have ever raised before. He is protective of the girls but gentle with humans. Absolutely incredible. Truly, if I knew how to show-bird him I would but we are unable to take our birds to Texas.

All 9 of his gals have names and know their names and will come whe called. I have spent a long time working with this flock and they are an absolute joy and wonderfully decent egg-layers.

I am looking for a homestead of very-attention-to-detail experienced chicken owners who would love an easy-going, established flock, and may want to incubate eggs for ther future flocks.

My apologies if this is not posted in the right place. I have never posted here on the forum before though have found a wealth of useful information here over the years.
Welcome To BYC

I hope you are able to find homes for them and good luck with your move!
Wondering if anyone is interested in a French Black Copper Maran Cockerel chick? ~3-4 weeks old

I've got 3, it looks like - and I will keep one so 2 are available.

Straight Run purchase from Greenfire Farms hatchery did me dirty lolol (fwiw, that is what they mostly sell)

I can get pics of them today if anyone is interested. They are typical Cockerels, very inquisitive and curious in the brooder and very brave.

Will be happy to drive to meet up in NC, I am near Charlotte and love road trips.

10 bucks - which is about what FBCM males go for.

Would rather sell to another BYC member before listing on craigslist or FB marketplace.

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