North Carolina

Good morning folks

It's mid-week and I'm ready for it to be the
weekend already............ there is just so
much to do here at home and not enough
time or energy to get it done

hope you are having a good day

and for some of you, it's pred free

You wouldn't necessarily see them (and it doesn't have to be a them, even one can do a lot of damage). They are masters of getting into and out of spaces you would swear they couldn't (their joints are only barely attached--the original contortionists). On top of that, they are SMART! When we had pet rats, we used to give them puzzle boxes full of treats. The longest it ever took them to figure out the most complicated one was a day. Oh, and they LOVE eggs the way I love Cadbury Creme Eggs.

I would expect them to avoid the broodies - too much trouble if there are unguarded opportunities. And the poor barn cat might discourage them a little, but a full grown rat is bigger than you'd expect and very well armed. Claws on all four paws and a pair of incredibly sharp, very long teeth, make all but the most intrepid cat think twice. Because they are smart, traps can be really hit or miss. I hesitate to use poison, just because where that poison ends up can be hard to control--our neighbor's dog ate a poisoned squirrel and it was only the very expensive intervention of their vet that kept the dog from joining the squirrel across the rainbow bridge. Also, they can chew through ANYTHING, including hardware cloth.

You might try soaking wads of cotton in peppermint oil (the actual oil, not flavoring), and stuffing them into the corners of the coop. It works to deter mice, and I think it would work on rats as well, although I'm not sure how the chickens would feel about it.
Thank you all for the suggestions!! Man, this has been the season for predators it seems!! I wonder if this is "normal" and we're just getting into it or if this is really due to a warm winter and extremely HOT summer?!? I passed along all the suggestions/advice to DH...we'll see what he wants to do/decides to do!!
Sadly, I have one very upset little DD who is not allowed to collect eggs at the moment (in case it IS a rat or snake). I'd rather be the one getting bit or scared to death than her. She's already "afraid" of the little chickens because she had on floppers and one of the young roosters tried to nibble on her toes!!
I DOES hurt, but I still can't help but giggle!!

DD#2 had shots yesterday so was in a cuddle and sleep on me absolutely NOTHING accomplished!! Hoping today is better...I at least have a load of laundry it's a start!! Off to have more cuddle time!!

Have a great day everyone!!
Good Morning, Everyone!

Ran late this morning starting my new feeding/watering schedule, along with today being the first day of classes. But Jake and I made it to work on time, so all is well.

Have a great day, everyone!
Off to the Goldsboro, Farmer's Market @ Herman Park. The summer is winding down. The boys will be going back to school in less than two weeks. What will I do with all of my time.

Does anyone have Partridge Plymothrocks? They are on the conservatory list, and I purchased 7 of them, but backwards.
I have 6 roos, & 1 pullet! They are all growing out beautiful, but I would still like to breed them next spring. Can't do that with these numbers.
we still got about 150 left...around a 100 eggs in the bator lol.......they told me they needed more folks to pay for their birds before they had enough money to pay me.....had to wait about a hour to get my money
So you got Beth beat on chicken math
. I am worried about the potential of eggs I am getting in a few weeks. like 28-30 and the 7 I need to find new homes for here currently,but will have a few more once my grow outs are done growing.

Your place sounds cool to visit. Except keep that chicken on the leash far away...
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Look what I was blessed with this morning!!!
We weren't expecting them for a few more weeks. Nigerian Dwarf's and both GIRLS!!!!

Oh my!! Absolutely CUTE!!
Congratulations!! Funny thing is...just read on how to make some raw ice cream using fresh goat's milk!! LOL too bad DD is allergic or else I'd be asking around for some!! Do you have names yet?!? Congratulations again!!

On a funny chicken note: I think my rooster misses his favorite girl, for he's been "dancing" outside her pen all afternoon and she has been fluffed up and protesting his very presence. I suspect a conversation something like this: Rooster "hey baby", Hen "do you see how many eggs I am sitting on?!? Get AWAY from me...THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" Rooster, "Baby, you're still sooooo good looking."
LOL Yes, I am EASILY amused these days!! LOL
I am heartbroken and now I don't know what to do. I'd appreciate your sound advice!! I heard a ruckus outside and rushed out thinking it was a hawk or another predator attack, sadly what I saw was WORSE than anything ever imaginable. I came across my BO roo (jeremy) "finishing off" our other docile/completely submissive rooster. He had killed him in a span of a few moments (in the time it took me to get shoes on and locate the birds after hearing the commotion). We had planned to make soup out of the other rooster, but what a horrific way to die!!
I went close to try to break it up, but Jeremy tried spurring me (I assume it's because he was in attack mode??). I am sorry to say I did kick him but he came after me with his spurs. What do I do? Do I see if he's still this aggressive tomorrow? Do I cull him?? He's a gorgeous rooster, but I cannot have one around that is going to kill other birds and try to attack us. Has anyone experienced this?!? Please help...I am beside myself!!

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