NPIP Hatching Eggs & PP Swap

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6+ Coturnix quail, several colors, mix of jumbo males over regular females


3+ Old English Game Bantam, pens separated by color, mostly Brown Red laying right now


6+ Mixed Layers, Standard production breeds & 1 mixed bantam covered by Cochin Bantam roo

6+ Old English Game Bantam, pens separated by color except 1 mixed color pen


6+ Coturnix quail, several colors, mix of jumbo males over regular females
3+ Old English Game Bantam, pens separated by color except for 1 mixed color pen


6+ Mixed Layers, 1 pen is Standard production breeds & 1 mixed bantam covered by Cochin Bantam roo. Other pen has 1 Silkie roo, 2 Silkie hens & 1 Bantam Silver Phoenix hen so could produce pure Silkies or mixes.

6+ Old English Game Bantam, pens separated by color except 1 mixed color pen


6+ Coturnix quail, several colors, mix of jumbo males over regular females
3+ Old English Game Bantam, pens separated by color except for 1 mixed color pen


6+ Mixed Layers, 1 pen is Standard production breeds & 1 mixed bantam covered by Cochin Bantam roo. Other pen has 1 Silkie roo, 2 Silkie hens & 1 Bantam Silver Phoenix hen so could produce pure Silkies or mixes.
I can also offer a Hen's Choice assortment from all pens including quail. Quantities of each will depend on the hens. Minimum of 6+ eggs with any quail used being 2 eggs instead if 1 (2 quail=1 chicken) example: 4+ quail eggs & 4+ chicken or 6+ quail & 3+ chicken or any combination that would equal the minimum of 12 quail for 1 order or 6 chicken for 1 order.
Oh no! There's ANOTHER swap thread???
I can also offer a Hen's Choice assortment from all pens including quail. Quantities of each will depend on the hens. Minimum of 6+ eggs with any quail used being 2 eggs instead if 1 (2 quail=1 chicken) example: 4+ quail eggs & 4+ chicken or 6+ quail & 3+ chicken or any combination that would equal the minimum of 12 quail for 1 order or 6 chicken for 1 order.

I have 2 orders of OEGB waiting right now. Can't offer them again yet.

6+ Mixed layers from 2 pens (cochin bantam roo over standard production hens & 1 mixed bantam) & (blue Silkie roo over blue & blue partridge silkie hens & 1 silver phoenix hen-these could be pure silkies or mixes) There are 2 orders ahead of these, so next week for shipment. Currently getting 3-4 eggs daily from 4 hens in layer pen & 2-3 eggs per week from Silkie/Phoenix pen.


6+ Old English Game Bantam (pens separated by color as follows: Brown Red, BB Red, Silver Duckwing with 1 Self-blue pullet in the mix <could produce SDW/Self-blue splits>, Quail roo over Red Pyle, Ginger & Wheaten hens) There is 1 order ahead of these, so next week for shipment.


Hen's Choice WITH Coturnix Quail added to the eggs above. Egg total will depend on how many quail are included as 2 quail will be substituted for each chicken egg. ie- 6 quail & 3 chicken, 4 quail & 4 chicken, 2 quail & 5 chicken, etc. Minimum value of equivalent of 6+ Chicken. No one is currently waiting on quail.

Someone in my White Ameraucana pen is now laying as well. This pen has a trio of SQ White Ameraucanas & 1 EE hen who is a cross between BB Red OEGB & White Ameraucana. If chicks hatch white they are pure, brown are EE. These will be included in the Hen's Choice selection.
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