NY chicken lover!!!!

Hi everyone! It's been a while. I had around 900 new posts to read. Welcome to all the newbies. Sorry to hear of some of the losses and illnesses. Also some very interesting reads. My husband is back to work and doing well. I have 7 Roos left destined for freezer camp. No hens but I do have some Guinea keets I hatched. I wanted a few to control ticks but had a good hatch with many extras. They are royal purple and a few pearl greys if any one is interested. They are 6 weeks off lights and go into a coop at night. I have ordered wheaten ameraucana eggs from peachick and some orpingtons from ultimate orpingtons. I should also be getting bielefelders from GFF. I'm excited to be starting again. I can't believe how much I missed my chickens and how expensive eggs got.

Great to hear from you! Glad ur husband is healing and back to work. Good luck w ur new chicken projects! I love new projects :D
She has a crest as big as a polish! She's beautiful. I had a few shoulder chickens but unfortunately they have passed away. I'm hoping I get another one - they are so great.
I have 2 polish and her crest is better then the one and pretty close to better then the other. Her full name is Sasha Fierce cause if you got close to her she would try to take your had off. I was about ready to sell her, but she is turning out to be fun and the kids love her, so looks like she'll be sticking around for a little longer.
funny story - I decided to clean the cobwebs out of the coop because =
I went to the sunday meeting
Some one setting behind me picked something off my jacket & remarked is that a cobweb ?
I took it from him & said laughingly " oh I must have got that from the coop ..I went in there before I left .." HaHa Ha
Interesting reading here.
I'm hoping to get a batch of eggs in the incubator by the end of the week. Remember when I said I'd probably never incubate eggs again? Haha.
So, how is winterizing going for everyone? The nipple watering system leaves quite a bit of water on the shavings. The chickens are not very neat drinkers. So, what should I do? I'm open to suggestions. I haven't figured it out yet.
akaruby Lavender is one of my favorite chicken colors, so I'm glad you'll have a roo in your group. I hope it works out for you. My roos in training are only 9 weeks. A Wheaten Ameraucana and a Buff Laced Brahma. The other 6 cockerels will be sold or processed by the end of the year.
I don't have any experience with chicken nipples yet, hoping to this winter. But I would guess not enough pressure or water weight, they shouldn't leak. If I remember right you have the long line of nipples and not a bucket? Maybe try putting your reservoir up higher to create more pressure on the nipples ?
Thanks everyone for your advice! Right now the silkies he has been with since he was a few weeks old are still the bosses. So when it comes time to want to breed my orps, do I separate the two out for short periods? My plan is to just keep him in with the other 8 ladies, including the lav orp that I will breed him with.

I hope he's a gentleman! One of my seramas, Boo, who is way smaller than him is higher on the pecking order I think! So funny to watch her be all bossy!
Interesting reading here.
I'm hoping to get a batch of eggs in the incubator by the end of the week. Remember when I said I'd probably never incubate eggs again? Haha.
So, how is winterizing going for everyone? The nipple watering system leaves quite a bit of water on the shavings. The chickens are not very neat drinkers. So, what should I do? I'm open to suggestions. I haven't figured it out yet.
akaruby Lavender is one of my favorite chicken colors, so I'm glad you'll have a roo in your group. I hope it works out for you. My roos in training are only 9 weeks. A Wheaten Ameraucana and a Buff Laced Brahma. The other 6 cockerels will be sold or processed by the end of the year.

I have nipple waterers I made from buckets and they do tend to drip. I have a piece of wood underneath mine that helps a bit with all the dripping. I plan to use an aquarium water heater(I think that's what they are) I saw for the buckets this winter.

I hope our cockerels turn out to be gentlemen with the ladies. I agree - lavender is a beautiful color.
Thanks everyone for your advice! Right now the silkies he has been with since he was a few weeks old are still the bosses. So when it comes time to want to breed my orps, do I separate the two out for short periods? My plan is to just keep him in with the other 8 ladies, including the lav orp that I will breed him with.
I would keep them all together & just hatch the Lav eggs ...if you know which one she lays ?

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