NY chicken lover!!!!

We visit farm stands all over our area. Like you said the security cameras are everywhere now. Its horrible, people use the money from the stand to restock their homes. We have 3 stands we go to weekly once they open. Best potatoes we have found at 1, best beets and apples at another and the 3rd always has a big selection of stuff.

This year we are going to sell our excess as well as eggs. No camera though. To buy you must come to the door.
I sell eggs to my coworkers for $3 a dozen. I have several regular customers and then every once in a while a new person who want to give it a try - most of them become regulars after they get the first dozen or two. It's annoying this time of year because everyone still wants eggs but the birds aren't laying (well, the cemanis are, but those don't get eaten). I also would sell to my family, but until recently none of them have been interested. My mother doesn't like to eat any egg color other than white even when I can persuade her to eat my eggs, and something about it just freaks her out so she usually just gets store eggs. However my brother has been on a health kick recently so he's now more willing to eat my eggs over the store eggs. Of course, now that he wants to buy them, they're not laying :rolleyes:
We visit farm stands all over our area. Like you said the security cameras are everywhere now. Its horrible, people use the money from the stand to restock their homes. We have 3 stands we go to weekly once they open. Best potatoes we have found at 1, best beets and apples at another and the 3rd always has a big selection of stuff.

This year we are going to sell our excess as well as eggs. No camera though. To buy you must come to the door.

we have a local farmer in jordan ..who lost lots of money at his self serve stands
this last year he sold them inside a hardware store & mini mart ..
Thing is ..they were always outside these stores ..with a place for to leave money
But people came & took ( corn mostly ) ..without paying..
Not the poor people ...people in expensive cars were seen taking it
I sell eggs to my coworkers for $3 a dozen. I have several regular customers and then every once in a while a new person who want to give it a try - most of them become regulars after they get the first dozen or two. It's annoying this time of year because everyone still wants eggs but the birds aren't laying (well, the cemanis are, but those don't get eaten). I also would sell to my family, but until recently none of them have been interested. My mother doesn't like to eat any egg color other than white even when I can persuade her to eat my eggs, and something about it just freaks her out so she usually just gets store eggs. However my brother has been on a health kick recently so he's now more willing to eat my eggs over the store eggs. Of course, now that he wants to buy them, they're not laying :rolleyes:
I wish you were closer. I have too many. Tomorrow is egg pie with what ever veggies the kids want in it. Luckily I have to make 4 pies so there goes most of the eggs.
i just started FF again. Tomorrow they get the first batch. Tried it during the summer and HELLO flies!

They are eating me out of house and home with the dry feed and i am currently unemployed so every little bit helps.
those darn Silkies are CRAZY! For the past 2 days I have been picking their little fluffy butts up and placing them into the coop. Do you think they get the hint that its COLD outside? NO!
15 minutes later they were back outside with one of their little feet tucked up under them or just laying in the snow. WTH!
so in between the fresh water and bringing them in everytime I turned around, it was a LOOOONG DAY!
Today was errand day and outside they were ALL DAY Long, and guess who was inside the coop when I got home?
They have me pegged.
Midget was is a successful broody girl. 2 of the 4 eggs are hatched. So far the EE/RIR eggs have hatched just waiting on the EE/BA & the EE/MaransX to hatch. We are moving the little family in tomorrow.
The little sh*ts are sooo cute. Of course. Will post pics when I can and hopefully get caught up on reading the posts.
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Midget was is a successful broody girl. 2 of the 4 eggs are hatched. So far the EE/RIR eggs have hatched just waiting on the EE/AL & the EE/MaransX to hatch. We are moving the little family in tomorrow.
The little sh*ts are sooo cute. Of course. Will post pics when I can and hopefully get caught up on reading the posts.

There used to be a guy in Afton I think it was, sold Christmas trees on the honor system when he wasn't home, beautiful trees and great price. Knocked on the door, no one home, really nice place. Sign said help yourself, put $20 in box. Had hand saws and a wrapper if you wanted to use them. Felt weird as crap. Met him the next yr school teacher, he said most people are honest, been doing it for yrs. No longer does it, don't know if he ran out of trees or got ripped off too many times?
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I sell my pasturesd, essentially free-range eggs for $4/dozen near Albany. My chickens have a 15,000sf electric fence enclosure and are extremely spoiled!! Our local grocery store carries some other "high-end" eggs and they start at $5/dozen and go up to $7/dozen. Guaranteed that mine are fresher! I get about 3 dozen a day and sell them to colleagues and local people who know I have them. During the nice weather, I have a mini-fridge on my porch and a sign indicating they're up there from my veggie stand. Haven't had anyone steal egg $$ yet! (In 10 years of having a farm stand on a busy state road with a sidewalk, we've only had three small thefts of under $10 each time.).
People love the self-serve aspect and almost no one balks at the price. It must be the right number for my area because I'm always sold out!

Doesn't pay for any of the other costs but it does pay for feed and my family's egg usage. That's about it! A lucrative business it is not!!

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