NY chicken lover!!!!

Okay, so I can't decide. I'm gonna bring up photos of each breed, have the parents pick from there and from that bunch, put names in a hat. I can't make decisions like this, I'd take ALL THE CHICKENS!....*ahem* yes, all of them, lol.
Well, all sorts of things changed but Ma and Dad like the Brabanter "punk rock" look (we have a musical thing going) out of the photos and they saw how Tao was talking about processing...I shouldn't let them sit by me at the comp....and want to "save them!". Tao, I'd be thrilled to trade/pay/bake for one of your boys.
I'm going to visit the lady with those silkies on Friday, will know more about them then. Our mutual friend wants all us local chicken ladies to stick together (I think it's so she can get more free eggs, but that's okay too!).
Well, all sorts of things changed but Ma and Dad like the Brabanter "punk rock" look (we have a musical thing going) out of the photos and they saw how Tao was talking about processing...I shouldn't let them sit by me at the comp....and want to "save them!".  Tao, I'd be thrilled to trade/pay/bake for one of your boys.  
great choice. Tao has awesome barbanter stock. I have one of her hens and she is FABULOUS.. Also had a roo from her but the poor baby got scared to death at 4am one morning. They are neat looking to top off the good temperament.
So today I found out that guineas are fiercely protective of any keets, even if they're not their own and they've never seen them before. The stupid ravens came back today (next time they reappear they'll be coming down with some lead poisoning or dining on some chicken with a side of rat poison because I am so done with them) and actually made their way into my cemani coop while the cemanis were out ranging. They ate two keets out of the brooder but the third one they either carried to or it escaped to the yard where its distress cries made my male guinea and my two juveniles from this year very angry. I went out to see the keet running for its life and the others pummeling the crap out of two ravens, who weren't backing down (until they caught site of me). So that keet got lucky and made it. It and the surviving keet were relocated to my Eglu coop which is totally raven proof.

So much for guineas being bad parents. If mine want to hatch keets next year they can have at it and I won't be worried.

Meanwhile my useless roosters did nothing and ran and hid. The geese hid too but at least they were yelling about it so I knew something was wrong, and I don't expect them to protect the other birds anyway (though they will fight for their own offspring).






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