NY chicken lover!!!!

Anyone ever hatch chicks from the mail and they just don't seem to be thriving? The coronation Sussex that I hatched that looked like it was stargazing seemed to get better on its own so I did not do anything to treat it. Now I notice it's very weak and not eating. Every time I go to check I expect it to be dead. I also noticed the others are not doing so great. One is pretty good but the other 2 seem off. They are eating and drinking just not as vigorous as the GFF chicks. I seperated them but not sure what to think. Is it just poor nutrition in the breeders?
Anyone ever hatch chicks from the mail and they just don't seem to be thriving? The coronation Sussex that I hatched that looked like it was stargazing seemed to get better on its own so I did not do anything to treat it. Now I notice it's very weak and not eating. Every time I go to check I expect it to be dead. I also noticed the others are not doing so great. One is pretty good but the other 2 seem off. They are eating and drinking just not as vigorous as the GFF chicks. I seperated them but not sure what to think. Is it just poor nutrition in the breeders?
most likely poor quality parent stock.
Anyone ever hatch chicks from the mail and they just don't seem to be thriving? The coronation Sussex that I hatched that looked like it was stargazing seemed to get better on its own so I did not do anything to treat it. Now I notice it's very weak and not eating. Every time I go to check I expect it to be dead. I also noticed the others are not doing so great. One is pretty good but the other 2 seem off. They are eating and drinking just not as vigorous as the GFF chicks. I seperated them but not sure what to think. Is it just poor nutrition in the breeders?

I had one terrible hatch - only 2 out of 6 made it and both had terrible leg deformities. I had to cull one but the other was determined to live. It's a rare breed, so it could be genetics, but I'm also a incubator novice, so it was more likely 'operator error'. Either way, I felt badly for the chicks...
I've had great luck with shipped chicks, many times none at all died. Only time I had some that didn't make it, it was days later, not sure why, lost I think six out of 22. I never use any electrolytes or medicated feed or any additives, nutridrench etc. Maybe I wouldn't have lost those if I did,IDK? Just never had any ever die without it.
I am considering shipping. My patience for new chicks is running thin. They are so addicting, but the weather needs to cooperate as well. Next week my run should be nothing but mud. If the weatherman is correct. I need to settle down on new chicks for now. Thanks Beer Can.
Me Too ..I wont Order chicks through  online ...coz if they died in transit ..I would blame myself ...:oops:
and for you Hubbells is a 3 hour drive ...ROAD TRIP...
Safer to get at chick stock if they have some
I know 3 hours! Geez. But my hubs would drive me down there. I just need to settle down on even getting chicks for a few weeks anyway...addicted. lol!
Just be careful that you wait three weeks until after he's been the only roo with the girls or you will still be hatching chicks from the others roosters. I actually hatched a chick from a different rooster five weeks after separating once. I couldn't believe it, it was the craziest thing.

yes thank you! pretty cool the way that works. i have heard of similar things past 3 weeks, shocking but yay for nature. i have been telling "mrlee" that its longer than at least 3 weeks to be sure. I think I might even go for five weeks to be sure.
Whew! Just catching up. Hope everyone is doing well w this crazy weather. All this talk of hatching & chicks makes me jealous & want to start setting eggs. Still a little too cold & wet for chicks for me right now.

Emus sound like fun! And emu chicks are crazy adorable!! Not quite on my list yet, lol. Like the 'live vicariously' idea on that one for now. I hope to hatch out some peafowl this year tho.
Anyone ever hatch chicks from the mail and they just don't seem to be thriving? . I seperated them but not sure what to think. Is it just poor nutrition in the breeders?
Could be ...They either have internal Problems or They lack something ..
Have you tried those Save a chick Products ?
Or A little ACV with mother in their water ..Good Luck
Anyone ever hatch chicks from the mail and they just don't seem to be thriving? The coronation Sussex that I hatched that looked like it was stargazing seemed to get better on its own so I did not do anything to treat it. Now I notice it's very weak and not eating. Every time I go to check I expect it to be dead. I also noticed the others are not doing so great. One is pretty good but the other 2 seem off. They are eating and drinking just not as vigorous as the GFF chicks. I seperated them but not sure what to think. Is it just poor nutrition in the breeders?
Occasionally this will happen. I suggest feeding vitamins and minerals before harvesting eggs to hatch. Too it could be a line to close to breed. If you can find another line. Even cross in some Light Sussex.

I have Big Delores and wish I'd gotten a rooster for her. She's a good size and broody mother. I'm not sure if it's to late to do so. I do like her for her size.

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