Of Feathers And Flames- A Wings of Fire AU RP

Whitestar started forward in a panic as Apple crumpled to the ground, covering her eyes with a loud cry. He lifted a talon to reach for her but stopped mid-stride, yanking his arm back and stumbling backwards again, away from the two Rainwings out of fear of what he might do. His mind began swirling again like a blizzard, panicked thoughts jolting through his mind and sending an extra chill of fear down his spine with each one.
Did I cast it wrong? Was there some sort of counter-spell? I don't know anything about how Animus power operates. What if I hurt her? Did the spell reverse itself for some reason? Have I used my power too much? Is it turning back on itself? Does it even do that? I have to do some--
His thoughts cut off abruptly as Apple stood up quickly and flung her wings and arms over Bamboo, tears streaking her face as she melted against her brother. They were both crying now, Apple sobbing loudly and Bamboo trying to hold himself together long enough to at least ask Apple if it worked. Whitestar held his breath, still sitting further behind them, hugging his talons tightly to his chest. He still wasn't sure if the spell had worked, or if he'd done something horrible to the Rainwing.
"Bamboo.... you're green."
Bamboo finally broke down, folding over his sister and sobbing joyfully into her shoulder. Whitestar let out a long breath of relief, his shoulders dropping as he relaxed. He slowly readjusted himself, turning from his awkward position to a more contained posture, curling his tail tightly over his front talons. He watched the two Rainwings joyful embrace for a moment, a smile slowly spreading over his face.
Maybe my power is good for something. How much more joy could possibly I bring to dragons like this? See Bluestar? This is what I can do.
His smile faded. The joy of the moment pulled away from him, and suddenly, he felt like he was on the outside looking in, watching the twins embrace. It was a strange feeling. Like he was standing on the other side of a thin wall of ice, seeing the moment, but not being able to feel or hear any of it.
Whitestar glanced up at the sky. A few bright stars were beginning to appear, and an indigo blanket slowly folding over the sky. Two quarter moons floated in the center of the sky and the horizon to the west was stained gold. In the excitement and intensity of the events, Whitestar hadn't even noticed the sun had set. His thoughts came around once again to the mission to the Scorpion Den and Eclipse. He glanced from the dragon hunter still standing behind Alyssia, and then to the young girl.
"I am going to get some rest," he said calmly, hiding all of his sullen mood away from his voice. "We all should. We are going to need to sneak into the den late--if we can do it around Sunset that would be best." He turned to look at Blackout "Can you take someone with you to scout out what is left of the caravan? Alyssia should probably go with you, since she will need to see what we are working with for her plan."
Whitestar stood up and gave Apple and Bamboo a small, forced smile before nodding quickly and then turning and leaping into the foliage. He slid under and past the various plants as quickly as he could without making too much noise, trying to retrace his path from earlier.
Finally, he found the small hollow where he had been resting that afternoon. There was a patch of dry soil nestled in between the roots of a large Baobab tree, creating a small dip in the ground at the base of the giant hollow trunk. A young Dragon Leaf tree had fallen against the side of its ancient companion, growing sideways from then on so that some of its leaves hung like curtains over the ground, shielding the dip from view. Whitestar brushed past the wing-sized leaves and let out a blast of ice onto the ground, careful not to let it touch the Baobab tree's roots. He curled into the now icy hollow. The small wounds from where the human weapons had injured him still stung, probably more than it was natural for them to. The deep-blue blood had dried and caked over his scales, leaving blackish streaks down his neck and shoulders.
Whitestar hadn't realized how exhausted he actually was until he rest his head on his talons. The fight with the humans and all of the spells he had cast had drained him of the little bit of energy he had earned from his brief sleep. He had intended to spend some time thinking about the events from the day and contemplate a way he could help Alyssia's plan to get into the den.
But his eyelids were already drooping, and his thoughts wandered on their own, quickly pulling him into a well-needed sleep.
Alyssia's heart was almost torn in two by what was happening. The tears of Apple made her want to shed her own and she couldn't bare to see the twins like this. Finally, Apple muttered something in Dragon, and they both collapsed in tears, but they felt like happy tears and Alyssia smiled. She didn't understand what was happening, but she felt like it was good. Whitestar began speaking and Alyssia looked towards Apple for a translation, but she was busy with Bamboo talking about something, so she tried to translate as best she could. A young voice behind her piped up and she heard Austin translating for her. Oh thank goodness for another human! She nodded at Whitestar, trying to let him know that she would go with Blackout to examine the rest of the caravan. "Yes, I agree. I'll go with Blackout and see if there's anything else we need." She looked to Austin and he smiled at her sweetly as he translated. He's a nice guy. Why on earth was he in the Scorpion Den? She walked over to Blackout and smiled. She turned towards Austin, "You should come with us too. I can't speak dragon very well, so I'll need a translator."
His eyes lit up just a little and he made his way over to them. "Good point." He said. "You might need me too. Who knows?" She looked back up at Blackout for the ok to this.
Austin was watching the scene curiously. The icy dragon referred to as Whitestar had created some sort of pendant with his magic and had given it to one of the rainwings. She and her brother had broke down crying but he was unsure why. It seemed to be a tender moment, but his thoughts were elsewhere. As the moment was subsiding, Whitestar spoke up and mentioned how he was going to get some rest. Austin hadn't even noticed how late it was. Alyssia's blue eyes met his and he smiled realizing she didn't speak dragon. He translated for her and then continued smiling, his plan was working. Alyssia answered the ice dragon and Austin translated that as well. He watched her walk over to Blackout and then turn back to him. His mind did a small flip when Alyssia asked him to accompany them, but he quickly regained his composure. "Good point." he tried to say cooly, "you might need me too. Who knows?" He gave Blackout a "now what're you gonna do" look as Alyssia also looked for confirmation from the dragon.
Alyssia's heart was almost torn in two by what was happening. The tears of Apple made her want to shed her own and she couldn't bare to see the twins like this. Finally, Apple muttered something in Dragon, and they both collapsed in tears, but they felt like happy tears and Alyssia smiled. She didn't understand what was happening, but she felt like it was good. Whitestar began speaking and Alyssia looked towards Apple for a translation, but she was busy with Bamboo talking about something, so she tried to translate as best she could. A young voice behind her piped up and she heard Austin translating for her. Oh thank goodness for another human! She nodded at Whitestar, trying to let him know that she would go with Blackout to examine the rest of the caravan. "Yes, I agree. I'll go with Blackout and see if there's anything else we need." She looked to Austin and he smiled at her sweetly as he translated. He's a nice guy. Why on earth was he in the Scorpion Den? She walked over to Blackout and smiled. She turned towards Austin, "You should come with us too. I can't speak dragon very well, so I'll need a translator."
His eyes lit up just a little and he made his way over to them. "Good point." He said. "You might need me too. Who knows?" She looked back up at Blackout for the ok to this.
"I want it gone," Eclipse said firmly, meeting Rose's gaze. "All of it. The collar and the buzzing. Is now a good time? The breakout is in just a couple of hours anyway. Besides," she turned her head to watch one of the vining plants, edging away from it slightly. "It's not like I plan on using my warping anytime soon anyway. I just want to feel my fullest when I do use it." She shrugged. "And in all honesty, I am tired of this thing." She glanced over her shoulder at the door. Hopefully, Tobias wouldn't show up at that moment and try to stop her.
I'll just let them have their moment, and then Tobe can walk in AS THE BAND CLATTERS TO THE FLERKIN GROUNDDD.
Alyssia's heart was almost torn in two by what was happening. The tears of Apple made her want to shed her own and she couldn't bare to see the twins like this. Finally, Apple muttered something in Dragon, and they both collapsed in tears, but they felt like happy tears and Alyssia smiled. She didn't understand what was happening, but she felt like it was good. Whitestar began speaking and Alyssia looked towards Apple for a translation, but she was busy with Bamboo talking about something, so she tried to translate as best she could. A young voice behind her piped up and she heard Austin translating for her. Oh thank goodness for another human! She nodded at Whitestar, trying to let him know that she would go with Blackout to examine the rest of the caravan. "Yes, I agree. I'll go with Blackout and see if there's anything else we need." She looked to Austin and he smiled at her sweetly as he translated. He's a nice guy. Why on earth was he in the Scorpion Den? She walked over to Blackout and smiled. She turned towards Austin, "You should come with us too. I can't speak dragon very well, so I'll need a translator."
His eyes lit up just a little and he made his way over to them. "Good point." He said. "You might need me too. Who knows?" She looked back up at Blackout for the ok to this.
Austin was watching the scene curiously. The icy dragon referred to as Whitestar had created some sort of pendant with his magic and had given it to one of the rainwings. She and her brother had broke down crying but he was unsure why. It seemed to be a tender moment, but his thoughts were elsewhere. As the moment was subsiding, Whitestar spoke up and mentioned how he was going to get some rest. Austin hadn't even noticed how late it was. Alyssia's blue eyes met his and he smiled realizing she didn't speak dragon. He translated for her and then continued smiling, his plan was working. Alyssia answered the ice dragon and Austin translated that as well. He watched her walk over to Blackout and then turn back to him. His mind did a small flip when Alyssia asked him to accompany them, but he quickly regained his composure. "Good point." he tried to say cooly, "you might need me too. Who knows?" He gave Blackout a "now what're you gonna do" look as Alyssia also looked for confirmation from the dragon.
Whitestar started forward in a panic as Apple crumpled to the ground, covering her eyes with a loud cry. He lifted a talon to reach for her but stopped mid-stride, yanking his arm back and stumbling backwards again, away from the two Rainwings out of fear of what he might do. His mind began swirling again like a blizzard, panicked thoughts jolting through his mind and sending an extra chill of fear down his spine with each one.
Did I cast it wrong? Was there some sort of counter-spell? I don't know anything about how Animus power operates. What if I hurt her? Did the spell reverse itself for some reason? Have I used my power too much? Is it turning back on itself? Does it even do that? I have to do some--
His thoughts cut off abruptly as Apple stood up quickly and flung her wings and arms over Bamboo, tears streaking her face as she melted against her brother. They were both crying now, Apple sobbing loudly and Bamboo trying to hold himself together long enough to at least ask Apple if it worked. Whitestar held his breath, still sitting further behind them, hugging his talons tightly to his chest. He still wasn't sure if the spell had worked, or if he'd done something horrible to the Rainwing.
"Bamboo.... you're green."
Bamboo finally broke down, folding over his sister and sobbing joyfully into her shoulder. Whitestar let out a long breath of relief, his shoulders dropping as he relaxed. He slowly readjusted himself, turning from his awkward position to a more contained posture, curling his tail tightly over his front talons. He watched the two Rainwings joyful embrace for a moment, a smile slowly spreading over his face.
Maybe my power is good for something. How much more joy could possibly I bring to dragons like this? See Bluestar? This is what I can do.
His smile faded. The joy of the moment pulled away from him, and suddenly, he felt like he was on the outside looking in, watching the twins embrace. It was a strange feeling. Like he was standing on the other side of a thin wall of ice, seeing the moment, but not being able to feel or hear any of it.
Whitestar glanced up at the sky. A few bright stars were beginning to appear, and an indigo blanket slowly folding over the sky. Two quarter moons floated in the center of the sky and the horizon to the west was stained gold. In the excitement and intensity of the events, Whitestar hadn't even noticed the sun had set. His thoughts came around once again to the mission to the Scorpion Den and Eclipse. He glanced from the dragon hunter still standing behind Alyssia, and then to the young girl.
"I am going to get some rest," he said calmly, hiding all of his sullen mood away from his voice. "We all should. We are going to need to sneak into the den late--if we can do it around Sunset that would be best." He turned to look at Blackout "Can you take someone with you to scout out what is left of the caravan? Alyssia should probably go with you, since she will need to see what we are working with for her plan."
Whitestar stood up and gave Apple and Bamboo a small, forced smile before nodding quickly and then turning and leaping into the foliage. He slid under and past the various plants as quickly as he could without making too much noise, trying to retrace his path from earlier.
Finally, he found the small hollow where he had been resting that afternoon. There was a patch of dry soil nestled in between the roots of a large Baobab tree, creating a small dip in the ground at the base of the giant hollow trunk. A young Dragon Leaf tree had fallen against the side of its ancient companion, growing sideways from then on so that some of its leaves hung like curtains over the ground, shielding the dip from view. Whitestar brushed past the wing-sized leaves and let out a blast of ice onto the ground, careful not to let it touch the Baobab tree's roots. He curled into the now icy hollow. The small wounds from where the human weapons had injured him still stung, probably more than it was natural for them to. The deep-blue blood had dried and caked over his scales, leaving blackish streaks down his neck and shoulders.
Whitestar hadn't realized how exhausted he actually was until he rest his head on his talons. The fight with the humans and all of the spells he had cast had drained him of the little bit of energy he had earned from his brief sleep. He had intended to spend some time thinking about the events from the day and contemplate a way he could help Alyssia's plan to get into the den.
But his eyelids were already drooping, and his thoughts wandered on their own, quickly pulling him into a well-needed sleep.
Apple and Bamboo were still collapsed on each other's shoulders, but their tears were subsiding now.
Neither of them really registered Whitestar or Blackout and the humans, until Apple raised her head, and blinking repeatedly, focused on the Icewing as he began speaking. He said they should go back to the caravan later.
The twins, still smiling widely and Apple staring around in wonder, nodded in agreement. As Whitestar stepped away to go find a good place to sleep, Apple turned her attention back to the things around her; specifically, her brother.
He grinned at her, and her tears almost started again. Swallowing hard, she croaked, "You know how nice it is to see you smile, instead of just assuming you are?"
Bamboo laughed. Apple's face shone with happiness to see the source of the sound.
Bamboo glanced over at Blackout and the humans, and his grin faltered for a moment. He knew they were all going to have to rest before going to the caravan, not only Whitestar; the humans were both smaller than the dragons and needed more rest, at least that's what he was thinking. And Blackout couldn't stay awake forever, he'd be bound to be too tired to be awake any longer.
"I think we should all take a rest," Bamboo suggested. "We may need someone to keep watch for us though-"
"I will!" Apple said, her normally quiet and laid-back demeanor stepping aside for her happiness. Bamboo smiled at her, and as he passed her to lay in the spot she had lain during her nap earlier, bumped his wing against hers.
He snuggled into the thick leaves. It was kinda strange to sleep on the ground, not in a tree; but not in a bad way.
He watched as his sister stepped a bit further away, sat, and tucked her tail around her. He could only imagine what she was thinking right now. He sighed and closed his eyes, thankful that now, she could dream and live in color.
Apple sat as the world darkened, blinking quickly as things took shape and melted simultaneously. Her eyes were hurting slightly from all the sudden shapes and colors, but things made sense. Bamboo had told her so many things about her surroundings that she was able to put a name to things, surprisingly.
As she looked around, she exhaled softly, a peace stealing over her as things quieted down. Now, there were the sounds and smells she had always been used to, like the crickets chirping. The faint rain tapping on the leaves farther away caused a light, fresh smell to spiral sweetly through the air. The sounds her little sloth nearby happily munching on leaves made Apple laugh silently.
But now, there were things to see.
Her breath caught in her throat as she turned her gaze upwards and saw stars. Stars sparkled and shone, sprinkled loosely on a blanket of deep darkness. Here and there, strange little outlines of things could be seen, some stars blinked and some stayed steady.
She gasped softly as a star dove towards the horizon, a reluctant stream of light holding tight to it as though it didn't want the star to leave the sky.
Apple looked down, seeing the dew on the grass. The grass, she remembered, was green...
Oh, how wonderful to put a name to it. The green foliage around her spun and twirled in the light breeze, and dipped under the weight of the sweet dew holding tight to the blades.
Apple rested her head on her talons, trying not to blink if she could help it; she didn't want to miss even part of a second of the sights around her. Between the earth and the sky, there were too many sights to ever fully see and love in a lifetime.
She glanced at her slumbering brother and the tiniest of smiles graced her features again. She could see him now. She didn't have to only listen to him laugh, she could witness it now.
Apple would be able to see his every moment. At that moment, his eyes opened briefly and he stared directly at her. His eyes held a smile that he was too tired to show on the rest of his face, and not for the last time, Apple thanked whatever lucky star made all this happen.
Apple and Bamboo were still collapsed on each other's shoulders, but their tears were subsiding now.
Neither of them really registered Whitestar or Blackout and the humans, until Apple raised her head, and blinking repeatedly, focused on the Icewing as he began speaking. He said they should go back to the caravan later.
The twins, still smiling widely and Apple staring around in wonder, nodded in agreement. As Whitestar stepped away to go find a good place to sleep, Apple turned her attention back to the things around her; specifically, her brother.
He grinned at her, and her tears almost started again. Swallowing hard, she croaked, "You know how nice it is to see you smile, instead of just assuming you are?"
Bamboo laughed. Apple's face shone with happiness to see the source of the sound.
Bamboo glanced over at Blackout and the humans, and his grin faltered for a moment. He knew they were all going to have to rest before going to the caravan, not only Whitestar; the humans were both smaller than the dragons and needed more rest, at least that's what he was thinking. And Blackout couldn't stay awake forever, he'd be bound to be too tired to be awake any longer.
"I think we should all take a rest," Bamboo suggested. "We may need someone to keep watch for us though-"
"I will!" Apple said, her normally quiet and laid-back demeanor stepping aside for her happiness. Bamboo smiled at her, and as he passed her to lay in the spot she had lain during her nap earlier, bumped his wing against hers.
He snuggled into the thick leaves. It was kinda strange to sleep on the ground, not in a tree; but not in a bad way.
He watched as his sister stepped a bit further away, sat, and tucked her tail around her. He could only imagine what she was thinking right now. He sighed and closed his eyes, thankful that now, she could dream and live in color.
Apple sat as the world darkened, blinking quickly as things took shape and melted simultaneously. Her eyes were hurting slightly from all the sudden shapes and colors, but things made sense. Bamboo had told her so many things about her surroundings that she was able to put a name to things, surprisingly.
As she looked around, she exhaled softly, a peace stealing over her as things quieted down. Now, there were the sounds and smells she had always been used to, like the crickets chirping. The faint rain tapping on the leaves farther away caused a light, fresh smell to spiral sweetly through the air. The sounds her little sloth nearby happily munching on leaves made Apple laugh silently.
But now, there were things to see.
Her breath caught in her throat as she turned her gaze upwards and saw stars. Stars sparkled and shone, sprinkled loosely on a blanket of deep darkness. Here and there, strange little outlines of things could be seen, some stars blinked and some stayed steady.
She gasped softly as a star dove towards the horizon, a reluctant stream of light holding tight to it as though it didn't want the star to leave the sky.
Apple looked down, seeing the dew on the grass. The grass, she remembered, was green...
Oh, how wonderful to put a name to it. The green foliage around her spun and twirled in the light breeze, and dipped under the weight of the sweet dew holding tight to the blades.
Apple rested her head on her talons, trying not to blink if she could help it; she didn't want to miss even part of a second of the sights around her. Between the earth and the sky, there were too many sights to ever fully see and love in a lifetime.
She glanced at her slumbering brother and the tiniest of smiles graced her features again. She could see him now. She didn't have to only listen to him laugh, she could witness it now.
Apple would be able to see his every moment. At that moment, his eyes opened briefly and he stared directly at her. His eyes held a smile that he was too tired to show on the rest of his face, and not for the last time, Apple thanked whatever lucky star made all this happen.
I love this... it makes me so happy thinking that my OC did that for her... it just makes me so happy.

WE ARE SO CLOSE. As soon as everyone is asleep we can skip to the morning and we will be just a few hours behind Cap.

And @Crestcrazy2 I just wanted to say that there is an interestingly colored spider that as of 2 minutes ago, decided to take up residency on my orchid. Hopefully he stays on the flowers and doesn't drop onto my hands while I'm typing.
I love this... it makes me so happy thinking that my OC did that for her... it just makes me so happy.

WE ARE SO CLOSE. As soon as everyone is asleep we can skip to the morning and we will be just a few hours behind Cap.

And @Crestcrazy2 I just wanted to say that there is an interestingly colored spider that as of 2 minutes ago, decided to take up residency on my orchid. Hopefully he stays on the flowers and doesn't drop onto my hands while I'm typing.
ikr?! i love it all!
yessssss we'll have corrected the timeline AHHHHHH

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