Of Feathers And Flames- A Wings of Fire AU RP

Nic checked his breifcase for the explosives and hand grenades he had packed earlier. "Bob, I've got some balloons in my bag just in case this party takes a turn for the worst. I'd rather not use them, but I will if needed." Bob chuckled a little bit. "Ay, what is it with you and your balloons?" Nic smiled.

Bloodmoon sighed. He was bored and hungry. He looked over at Sol and studied him. This dragon was very hansom. Does Eclipse like him? Yikes, I'm in love with a dragon I met, like, yesterday. He shook these thoughts from his mind and said to Sol. "Well, um. Do you need anything?" Stupid Bloodmoon. How could he not strike up a conversation with a dragon in a normalish setting, but have a conversation for 10 minutes while fighting a dragon? Oh well. He'd have to get used to this, and quick.
"I'm cool, dude." Sol assured the NightWing with a bland sigh, his eyes still locked on the door.
At this point all pain drugs had faded away, and now Sol didn't dare move, any tensing of a muscle immediately sending jarring, groggy pain through seemingly every nerve. He lay carefully on the cement, quickly loosing any excitement he had for tonight. In fact, now he was dreading it.
"I want it gone," Eclipse said firmly, meeting Rose's gaze. "All of it. The collar and the buzzing. Is now a good time? The breakout is in just a couple of hours anyway. Besides," she turned her head to watch one of the vining plants, edging away from it slightly. "It's not like I plan on using my warping anytime soon anyway. I just want to feel my fullest when I do use it." She shrugged. "And in all honesty, I am tired of this thing." She glanced over her shoulder at the door. Hopefully, Tobias wouldn't show up at that moment and try to stop her.
Alyssia's heart was almost torn in two by what was happening. The tears of Apple made her want to shed her own and she couldn't bare to see the twins like this. Finally, Apple muttered something in Dragon, and they both collapsed in tears, but they felt like happy tears and Alyssia smiled. She didn't understand what was happening, but she felt like it was good. Whitestar began speaking and Alyssia looked towards Apple for a translation, but she was busy with Bamboo talking about something, so she tried to translate as best she could. A young voice behind her piped up and she heard Austin translating for her. Oh thank goodness for another human! She nodded at Whitestar, trying to let him know that she would go with Blackout to examine the rest of the caravan. "Yes, I agree. I'll go with Blackout and see if there's anything else we need." She looked to Austin and he smiled at her sweetly as he translated. He's a nice guy. Why on earth was he in the Scorpion Den? She walked over to Blackout and smiled. She turned towards Austin, "You should come with us too. I can't speak dragon very well, so I'll need a translator."
His eyes lit up just a little and he made his way over to them. "Good point." He said. "You might need me too. Who knows?" She looked back up at Blackout for the ok to this.
Austin was watching the scene curiously. The icy dragon referred to as Whitestar had created some sort of pendant with his magic and had given it to one of the rainwings. She and her brother had broke down crying but he was unsure why. It seemed to be a tender moment, but his thoughts were elsewhere. As the moment was subsiding, Whitestar spoke up and mentioned how he was going to get some rest. Austin hadn't even noticed how late it was. Alyssia's blue eyes met his and he smiled realizing she didn't speak dragon. He translated for her and then continued smiling, his plan was working. Alyssia answered the ice dragon and Austin translated that as well. He watched her walk over to Blackout and then turn back to him. His mind did a small flip when Alyssia asked him to accompany them, but he quickly regained his composure. "Good point." he tried to say cooly, "you might need me too. Who knows?" He gave Blackout a "now what're you gonna do" look as Alyssia also looked for confirmation from the dragon.
@Harmonylight can you RP Blackout's next part?
"I'm cool, dude." Sol assured the NightWing with a bland sigh, his eyes still locked on the door.
At this point all pain drugs had faded away, and now Sol didn't dare move, any tensing of a muscle immediately sending jarring, groggy pain through seemingly every nerve. He lay carefully on the cement, quickly loosing any excitement he had for tonight. In fact, now he was dreading it.
Bloodmoon watched Sol stiffly lower himself to the floor. Come on Bloodmoon. Think of something... He zoned out as he stared at the bars. He felt a sickening feeling in his stomach. No, no. He tried to push his vision of the future away, but it was too late. He saw himself flying in the air with a sense of urgency about him. Oh no. He saw a human on his back. He pushed himself out of his vision and started gasping for air. No, no, no. He had just seen a nightmare of the future. He closed his eyes as a wave of nausea passed over him. Oh no. Not him.
"I want it gone," Eclipse said firmly, meeting Rose's gaze. "All of it. The collar and the buzzing. Is now a good time? The breakout is in just a couple of hours anyway. Besides," she turned her head to watch one of the vining plants, edging away from it slightly. "It's not like I plan on using my warping anytime soon anyway. I just want to feel my fullest when I do use it." She shrugged. "And in all honesty, I am tired of this thing." She glanced over her shoulder at the door. Hopefully, Tobias wouldn't show up at that moment and try to stop her.
Hmmm….I don’t know…, Sounds a little risky.”
She replied skeptically. But the look that came over the Lunarwings face changed her mind, she didn’t want to ruin the good start they’d had as friends.
Go get that rag, and those vials. Carefully.”
Hmmm….I don’t know…, Sounds a little risky.”
She replied skeptically. But the look that came over the Lunarwings face changed her mind, she didn’t want to ruin the good start they’d had as friends.
Go get that rag, and those vials. Carefully.”
Eclipse didn't hesitate. She darted over to the other counter, sliding a few vials in a holder across the tabletop and grabbing a rag from a pile in the corner. "Just... whatever you do--don't burn me please," she said warily, glancing over at Rose.

Can someone write me out what's going on with Nic rn? He's in the rebellion, right? I'm thinking I could use him to attach whats going on with him and Tobias with whats going on with Arya and Cochineal.
Yeah, he's in the rebellion. He is headed somewhere with his group leader "Bob" so he's out in the SD streets rn. I'm not sure where they are going though

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