Of mice and quail: a Hatch-along docudrama!

Day 13, everybody chugging along fine, lockdown tomorrow (quail hatch Day 17, all 3 Grouse eggs hatched Day 16 last time, let’s see if he does it again!).
5 eggs unnamed so here goes (unless we have some last minute entries):

Gandalf (the Grey, if we get a blue chick), though Stormcrow would be fun these are quail!
Long Shanks

Anybody else?
Everything is pipped save 2 eggs, since my humidity is running pretty high and I can do a quick in and out without it crashing I decided to investigate these too slow pokes. One had pipped on the narrow end (backwards!) and failed to rupture the membrane though he had knocked off a bit of shell. Opened the membrane to find unmoving beak and a little brownish fluid (not good!). Poor guy couldn’t access the air cell or the external air and must have died in shell, yolk nowhere near absorbed. The other one candled about half full and with no visible pips I also water candled just to make sure. Found a decomposing day 5 embryo. 10 left, all pipped, official hatch day is tomorrow but maybe somebody will venture out overnight!

Everybody is hatched, the wrong end pipper is a bit week but coming along.

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