Office Work, Part Deux: Professional Mayhen

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the other week, I bought some of those shoe inserts, comfy looking ones, can't remember if they were dr schioll's or not, but they did not fit my feet right at all!!
So, now I still need some
[Hands Mapes her shoes]

yeah, I hurt bad. I need coffee, but I am not getting up to make any. It is only 6:30, but I stayed up till 1am reading. Nothing unusual, but I am dulled.

McFly and Pastrymama have excused me from garden planting duty, but they want me to come stufff my sack of potatoes into a swimsuit and go swimming with them. We are leaving for Palm Springs today, so I don't know if I have time, but I want to.
aw...that would be fun laree!! yes! potatos in a swimsuit!!! wait, why do you have potatos in a swimsuit??? That's funny.

ok, done bleeding now just stinging and crusty blood.

I don't need MY shoes...I wanted to see your shoes. If I was there I would look at the indents your feet made inside and then I'd look at the wear on the outside. Then I'd gauge that you walk funny so that the problem couldn't be the inserts but your funny gate.
See? Aren't I helpful?
I really think you should stuff that suit and go for a swim.
It'll be good for the soul!!

Its hard to get started, but once you are there, you are so glad!!

Oh, I went to Palm Springs once, it was cool there, even if it was for a convention, yea, a lundy convention!!
Palm springs? Is everyone doing something fun this weekend? cuz i'm not.
I'll send you my shoes maple, for evaluation

should they be poop free or as they are?

Oh no, I do not wear poop shoes to work, that is not allowed in a kitchen
Palm Springs is not my fav place--not much to do and it is HOT there. But, we are staying in some fancy-ace resort, and my BFF and family have a room there too (he is currently stationed in PS as a project manager). SO- we can hang out in the 1 acre-pool.

Lots of floating, no walking.
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