I see that 😲 lol!
I get stuck on hills so I have to rock off them or get off and push which shuts the mower off.
Not my fault it didn't hang on!
I lost a favorite phone in the ocean when I caught a fish for the same reason, phone did not hang on when I landed the fish! I grabbed it out of the tide pool where it landed immediately, but Salt Water + favorite flip phone = :hitI was able to yank the memory card and save data and photos, but the phone was no more.
And I would help you if I wasn't so overwhelmed here too.

The ground behind the run is like concrete. I got a couple tiny shovel fulls out and am running a soaker hose while I do other stuff.
It's weird , I have all I can handle and I want more. Just addicted I guess.
And I would help you if I wasn't so overwhelmed here too.

The ground behind the run is like concrete. I got a couple tiny shovel fulls out and am running a soaker hose while I do other stuff.
And if we all lived closer we could help each other in rotation, like a barn raising. Did that with roofs, years ago...I helped with 2 different roofs and they helped me.

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