I've created a monster...
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This is Merida. She got a terrible eye infection that I could not cure. She is blind. I got another medication for her to clear her eyes up so have her in the house. Clearly lonely I started bringing her in the house and now we snuggle on the couch daily. She purrs and nozzles my neck while we nap.
Aw, I have one polish pullet that lost some toe tips one winter. This year she came up with an opaque eye. She is the tiny one, I may end up putting her with the polish bantams.
You make a good chicken Nunny.🥰

I've created a monster...
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This is Merida. She got a terrible eye infection that I could not cure. She is blind. I got another medication for her to clear her eyes up so have her in the house. Clearly lonely I started bringing her in the house and now we snuggle on the couch daily. She purrs and nozzles my neck while we nap.

Crooky trying to get away with pepper pilfering and got busted lol!
I wonder if Rudy thinks hush is like some fancy hen title you've bestowed on her rude self.
Oh, and duck stink eye is something I did not even know was possible until now.
They always look so happy, but there it is.....sort of scary lol.:)
I know right!!
Rudy is a trip. She does hear "shush" about a hundred times a day lol.

Shoot Crooky was in the peppers pecking away at what was a beautiful orange pepper. I opened the kitchen window and said her name followed by "You WILL fit in a crock pot. Get out of my peppers!". She hopped out and shot me stink eye......I call that pretty well trained/tamed.

So.....channel is dug and gutter is in place.....now for decisions and more digging.

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Inside the run. That frame us not attached yet so I will center it better before I call it good.
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Outside the run. Only a foot sticks out.

It has a good drop in height so water flows well.
Now to decide if I want to backfill with top soil so I can slope it well to the gutter, add plastic, add leaf guards (to keep stones out of gutter) and top with rock. Alternatively putting rock then plastic then more rock.....

Outside the run.....it is 5.5' to the property line fence. I will have to dig quite a deep trench if I want to keep that slope going......I am thinking of digging a wallow at the end of the gutter and filling with stones. Don't worry I will fix my predator proofing when I have drainage done.

Oh and stink eye....
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Yeah.....she had enough of me and went inside where Webster followed her to guide her back to the group.
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It is sooo peaceful, hubs went fishing for the weekend so it is just the kids, cat and myself to deal with.
Im way past the age camping is in any sort of way fun for me, must be like an age delay though for men takes longer realise sleeping in the woods kinda sucks.

I rather enjoy those quiet peaceful times.
Extra snuggles for Jerry!!! :D

We got hot enough today I had to unplug the lamp on the chicks. It is back on now. Tiny tots were staying on the far end of the brooder by noon today.
How is your ozone generator working out? Which one did you get?
I do not know the brand -- it was left here when we bought the place. The smoker who was the previous owner thought it would make his house not smell like an ash tray. It did not work for that, but after 24 hours the perfume smell in the bedroom and bath was much better. I also put some charcoal bags like for closets on top of the cabinet over the toilet. I feel that the best disinfectant/deodorant is time and fresh air! Boy, do I hate strong perfume!
Lol, yep!
It is still hot here, and iv'e got a lap full of Jerry. :lau

I rather enjoy those quiet peaceful times.
Extra snuggles for Jerry!!! :D

We got hot enough today I had to unplug the lamp on the chicks. It is back on now. Tiny tots were staying on the far end of the brooder by noon today.

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