Good morning! :frow
I look forward to painting my chicken jail and putting up the wire! I can’t wait to see their little faces when they realize they can’t fly out :gig

Pics of this "grey bar hotel" please. :pop

I went to get lumber/supplies......ended up with sticker shock. Home depot (and likely others) doubled the cost of lumber.
I ended up getting 13 2x4x12 boards from the cull bin so 3.30 each as opposed to $6 each for the 2x4x8 boards. I picked up metal roofing for the run too. Still a bit in shock on the cost of "good" lumber.
Good morning Parront :frow Have a great Saturday and its always better late than never 😁 Any plans for this long weekend?
Good morning! Getting a visitor in the Bunkhouse Airbnb and maybe BBQ on Sunday. Hoping for a better guy & dog than the last ones! This one sent a photo of his dog when I asked him if he was bringing a dog. Much better.:fl
Pics of this "grey bar hotel" please. :pop

I went to get lumber/supplies......ended up with sticker shock. Home depot (and likely others) doubled the cost of lumber.
I ended up getting 13 2x4x12 boards from the cull bin so 3.30 each as opposed to $6 each for the 2x4x8 boards. I picked up metal roofing for the run too. Still a bit in shock on the cost of "good" lumber.
It’s practically doubled! I did manage to snag 2x4x8 for $4.38(?) at HD, woohoo! Lowes was empty!
I just started painting it to match the coop. And, to keep using my very steeply discounted 5 gal of deck paint that was a mistint. I saw that and thought “mistint! Who cares? It’s mine now no. matter the color”. LOL! I was actually worried what color to paint it and now it’s settled.
After I finish painting I’m adding the wire. I know I want 1/2” at the bottom, but haven’t made up my mind what to put elsewhere. What should I put at the top, 1/2” or 1” or 1”x2”? I have to make rabbit cages and bought extra when I could because you just can’t find it right now.


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Question on feed: I want to get a multipurpose feed for my birds, chickens and quail. But, I don’t know exactly what to look for. I’ve gone around and taken pictures of the labels on the bags so I can work out a ref. sheet. I’m also going to post this in the quail section so @Nabiki, etc. can help also. I think I’m fairly good in knowing the chickens’ needs, but ...
Question on feed: I want to get a multipurpose feed for my birds, chickens and quail. But, I don’t know exactly what to look for. I’ve gone around and taken pictures of the labels on the bags so I can work out a ref. sheet. I’m also going to post this in the quail section so @Nabiki, etc. can help also. I think I’m fairly good in knowing the chickens’ needs, but ...
Chicken and quail have very different nutritional needs. You should not feed them the same feed. Quail need higher protein. They can survive on chicken layer feed after they become adults, but I would still give them game bird crumble with calcium on the side.
Good afternoon!
Productive day so far iv'e cleaned out two sheds and a closet.
I gave three trash bags of cans away to the local can rat since hubs won't take the dumb things to be recycled.
I also made 50$ off a seething mass of Christmas crap I will never use and was just wasting space.
Poor can rat about wrecked his bicycle because of me yelling at him asking about cans....heck I didn't know he had his hearing aids in today. :lau

I already wear my keys around my wrist so I could totally adapt to a new fashion accessory lol!
And yeah I think Jerry is a keeper, iv'e already got two boys but barring he just goes chicken Bruce Banner on me when puberty hits he's a pet.:)
You should get one of those arm bands like runners use. I got one at the dollar store.
Jerry sounds like he’ll be a house pet for life :love

Nunny iv'e got all my game systems too, sold my cd and dvd players since I can play those on the Ps3.
I have my old flip phones too!
Buuuut these smartphones are absolutely cursed for me probably because I have a love/hate relationship with them.
Replacing crap kills me, updating crap kills me, shopping for things that involve both those kill me lol.
I think it is the one decent way karma can poop on me and so it does.;)
I won’t comment on the phone issues.... don’t want to jinx myself. Still have every phone, CD player, game system I ever owned.
Chicken and quail have very different nutritional needs. You should not feed them the same feed. Quail need higher protein. They can survive on chicken layer feed after they become adults, but I would still give them game bird crumble with calcium on the side.
I think I missed part of your answer on the other thread or this one is a little different. So, I can feed them the same thing, only different. Hmm, I’m going to have to do some thinking on hiw this will work out. Don’t get me wrong, I completely understand what you’re saying. That was my conundrum in the first place. Their feed is essentially the same, just a bit different, enough to cause issues. I only have 6 of each (so far, I have little eggs in the incubator :love ) so that’s why I’m balking at buying a bag just for the little ones.
Well hubs crapped on my plan for the chicken run. He wants it more secure....anchored in the ground.
I was going to do a free standing run attached to the coop. I have to go buy 4x4's......and prebuilding my walls is a brain pain.

It "should" be simple but I have been given the MAX height of 6'. I hate when restrictions are put on my projects.

Chicken and quail have very different nutritional needs. You should not feed them the same feed. Quail need higher protein. They can survive on chicken layer feed after they become adults, but I would still give them game bird crumble with calcium on the side.

@Fishychix This would be my advice too.
Surviving is not thriving so as much as it's a pain in the butt that game bird feed really is the right feed.

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