I had a long day today. I left here at 5:45am and got back at 9:15pm. I had to do the trip for work.

Final tally is 27 healthy chicks!

Out of 10 of my shipped LF White eggs that made it to lockdown, I got 8 chicks. Out of 25 of my chickensā€™ eggs that made it to lockdown, 20 hatched. I did lose one of the homegrown chicks between yesterday and today. It was tethered to its shell via itā€™s umbilical and another chick plowed into the shell and yanked it off the tethered baby. It bled a bit but it lived long enough to be put in the outdoor brooder. When I checked on them after I got home, it was gone. I could tell which one it was because of the scab on the navel. It looks like it went to sleep and never woke up by how it was laying. I guess the blood loss was too much.

I did get three weirdly colored chicks. They are the darkest Cornish chicks Iā€™ve ever seen. Even dark chicks are usually mostly yellow with some chipmunk stripes. Iā€™ll have to mark them to see how they turn out. The speculation on the Cornish forum I asked on is that they are dark female chicks. Or single laced darks instead of the normal double laced darks.

Here are some pics.
I had a long day today. I left here at 5:45am and got back at 9:15pm. I had to do the trip for work.

Final tally is 27 healthy chicks!

Out of 10 of my shipped LF White eggs that made it to lockdown, I got 8 chicks. Out of 25 of my chickensā€™ eggs that made it to lockdown, 20 hatched. I did lose one of the homegrown chicks between yesterday and today. It was tethered to its shell via itā€™s umbilical and another chick plowed into the shell and yanked it off the tethered baby. It bled a bit but it lived long enough to be put in the outdoor brooder. When I checked on them after I got home, it was gone. I could tell which one it was because of the scab on the navel. It looks like it went to sleep and never woke up by how it was laying. I guess the blood loss was too much.

I did get three weirdly colored chicks. They are the darkest Cornish chicks Iā€™ve ever seen. Even dark chicks are usually mostly yellow with some chipmunk stripes. Iā€™ll have to mark them to see how they turn out. The speculation on the Cornish forum I asked on is that they are dark female chicks. Or single laced darks instead of the normal double laced darks.

Here are some pics.
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I had a long day today. I left here at 5:45am and got back at 9:15pm. I had to do the trip for work.

Final tally is 27 healthy chicks!

Out of 10 of my shipped LF White eggs that made it to lockdown, I got 8 chicks. Out of 25 of my chickensā€™ eggs that made it to lockdown, 20 hatched. I did lose one of the homegrown chicks between yesterday and today. It was tethered to its shell via itā€™s umbilical and another chick plowed into the shell and yanked it off the tethered baby. It bled a bit but it lived long enough to be put in the outdoor brooder. When I checked on them after I got home, it was gone. I could tell which one it was because of the scab on the navel. It looks like it went to sleep and never woke up by how it was laying. I guess the blood loss was too much.

I did get three weirdly colored chicks. They are the darkest Cornish chicks Iā€™ve ever seen. Even dark chicks are usually mostly yellow with some chipmunk stripes. Iā€™ll have to mark them to see how they turn out. The speculation on the Cornish forum I asked on is that they are dark female chicks. Or single laced darks instead of the normal double laced darks.

Here are some pics.
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Very long day.
Glad you got a bunch that hatched. Are the dark color from the shipped eggs?
Good to see you ā˜ŗļø
I quit asking what happened to people. Not that I don't care, it's just easier to think they are happily busy than something else.
I like to think the same, though sometimes I do worry, esp when I know someone is ill or older.

I'd like to introduce everyone to my newest grandson! His name is Pistachio. 2nd pic is of him w his cousin Kirk.


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Hi guys!

Weā€™ve been busy for the last month. Second week of June, we went on vacation to the DC metro area and we took the boys to the Natural History Museum, the Smithsonian Zoo, the Baltimore Aquarium, and the Udvar-Hazy air and space museum near Dulles airport. They had a lot of fun. We had fun too. When we got back we had to help clean our church for VBS (vacation bible school) over the weekend. Then I had a full week of work, then we set up for VBS and had VBS the last week of June. The last day of VBS, a couple of the kids and me and DH all had minor coughs. The day after VBS both me and DH got knocked on our butts for almost 2 weeks with what we can only assume was covid since we have nasty coughs and lost our sense of smell and somewhat lost our sense of taste. Weā€™ve only been feeling mostly normal in the last 2-3 days. I think because we were so worn out from not having any breaks for 3 weeks that the illness hit us harder than it would have normally. Weā€™re still not completely there but weā€™re back to about 85%. Itā€™s mostly a lingering cough and not having our normal stamina back yet.

Onto the good news.

Yesterday we got our court date for the adoption hearing! Itā€™s 8/22! Weā€™re so happy that weā€™ll have this done and finished. We also got our foster sonsā€™ buy-in on the adoption as well as with their name changes. The older oneā€™s middle name was odd so we asked him if he wanted to change it. He likes his first name so he wants to keep that. After we dissuaded him from is initial choice of Ironman he settled on picking the name of one of the characters from Paw Patrol as his middle name. Itā€™s a nice normal name which wonā€™t be weird when he gets older so we said okay to it. The younger foster kid has nicknames for his legal name. Think something along the lines of Billy Bob Lastname III. Itā€™s just as hick-ish sounding too. So we are changing his legal name to the formal names of his nickname so going from Billy Bob to William Robert. This isnā€™t actually what his name is and will be but it is the same idea. Weā€™ll keep calling him by the nickname, but heā€™ll have a more formal name to fall back on in the future. We are so excited! 41 days until the adoption!

Hi guys!

Weā€™ve been busy for the last month. Second week of June, we went on vacation to the DC metro area and we took the boys to the Natural History Museum, the Smithsonian Zoo, the Baltimore Aquarium, and the Udvar-Hazy air and space museum near Dulles airport. They had a lot of fun. We had fun too. When we got back we had to help clean our church for VBS (vacation bible school) over the weekend. Then I had a full week of work, then we set up for VBS and had VBS the last week of June. The last day of VBS, a couple of the kids and me and DH all had minor coughs. The day after VBS both me and DH got knocked on our butts for almost 2 weeks with what we can only assume was covid since we have nasty coughs and lost our sense of smell and somewhat lost our sense of taste. Weā€™ve only been feeling mostly normal in the last 2-3 days. I think because we were so worn out from not having any breaks for 3 weeks that the illness hit us harder than it would have normally. Weā€™re still not completely there but weā€™re back to about 85%. Itā€™s mostly a lingering cough and not having our normal stamina back yet.

Onto the good news.

Yesterday we got our court date for the adoption hearing! Itā€™s 8/22! Weā€™re so happy that weā€™ll have this done and finished. We also got our foster sonsā€™ buy-in on the adoption as well as with their name changes. The older oneā€™s middle name was odd so we asked him if he wanted to change it. He likes his first name so he wants to keep that. After we dissuaded him from is initial choice of Ironman he settled on picking the name of one of the characters from Paw Patrol as his middle name. Itā€™s a nice normal name which wonā€™t be weird when he gets older so we said okay to it. The younger foster kid has nicknames for his legal name. Think something along the lines of Billy Bob Lastname III. Itā€™s just as hick-ish sounding too. So we are changing his legal name to the formal names of his nickname so going from Billy Bob to William Robert. This isnā€™t actually what his name is and will be but it is the same idea. Weā€™ll keep calling him by the nickname, but heā€™ll have a more formal name to fall back on in the future. We are so excited! 41 days until the adoption!

Wow....boys are all so lucky to have you and each other.

Are they all getting along well?
Wow....boys are all so lucky to have you and each other.

Are they all getting along well?
They are getting along about as well as boys generally do. Thing 2 is in his feelings more often recently and has been feeling more territorial but thatā€™s to be expected. Heā€™s 5 and everything is a big deal to him. Thing 1 is constantly competing with FS1 (foster son 1) for position as the oldest even though he is 18 months younger. He is mentally older in some ways but in others he isnā€™t. FS2 and Thing 3 are either getting along really well or at each otherā€™s throats. I think they are on a similar mental level in some ways even though FS2 is 8 yo and Thing 3 is 3 yo. With FS2ā€™s disabilities because of his stroke he is farther behind than Thing 1 and 2 in most things. But all in all, they seem to be accepting that FS1 and 2 will be sticking around.

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