Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

I'm sorry no one answered your question but I would just leave well enough alone now, she'll bounce back pretty quick, and if she has an egg under her and you don't want her to brood then take it. Like you said the silkie is finally content and sounds like mama hen is doing her part to make her feel that way. So just let things go on as they are. AND here's your 8hrs old hug

YAY ok that hug made me feel better!

Yes I think I woke up to peace in the house finally. Mama and babies are good, and my speckled sussex is roaming the yard. I am hoping to take some pictures soon. The little silkie month old is ridiculously cute. It looks like a little powder puff :)
Did you move her at night or at least in darkness? If she doesn't want to stay where you moved her let her go back to the old nest for now and move the eggs back there.. Wait until dark and do it again without light and with a towel over her head. Put a little of the old bedding in the new nest and make sure it's dark where you place her. Then tomorrow leave her in there all day. She should stay on the eggs in the nest after that.
. No but it was close to dusk I went out an hour later and she was still freaking out so I moved her and the nest back. She is sitting happily again immediately. But I think my whole pen is gonna go broody. Her ba friend that was bringing her things is now trying to sit. I've got another BA walking around growling everywhere... And an RIR that is sitting both nests when the two get up. I'm thinking that the two eggs that were ate got broke on accident.
. No but it was close to dusk I went out an hour later and she was still freaking out so I moved her and the nest back. She is sitting happily again immediately. But I think my whole pen is gonna go broody. Her ba friend that was bringing her things is now trying to sit. I've got another BA walking around growling everywhere... And an RIR that is sitting both nests when the two get up. I'm thinking that the two eggs that were ate got broke on accident.
Most of us know exactly what you are saying, All it takes is 1 and before ya know it they are all sitting, All my nest boxes are full so I had to improvise and make a new nesting site inside the duck house on top of the ducks stalls, now that is the most favorite place to lay, just caught one of my roos in it with one of the almost ready to lay EE's.
And they are all out there singing their little hearts out. Better than Christmas.
Somebody needs to let my girls know it's supposed to be contagious!
I've got so many eggs right now, I can't get rid of them all. Sheesh.
(I've still got 2 that look like they're thinking about it including my Red Sex Link but they are taking their sweet time committing!
Miss Lizzie was running around in FULL cabbage mode this morning but she lays her egg and off she goes - in full cabbage mode. Clucking all the way.)

Day 13 for Miss Naima,however. Still sitting on 8 eggs.
Smokey and Topsy are both back to laying, their babies will be five weeks old on Tuesday. Smokey was in the run with her babies, but last night she abandoned them for the roost. I'm curious to know ow soon Topsy will do the same.

I also caught Sunny sitting on her egg after laying it. And she has begun screeching the broody yell. I took her egg and booted her off the nest. I do not need another broody any time soon. Although I do still want some dark brown eggs...hmmmm.
Great, my orpingtons got gape worm, she would not come off the nest so i had to put her off for her to eat then i just left her, when i opened the nest box she could not even growl because she was gargling
Great, my orpingtons got gape worm, she would not come off the nest so i had to put her off for her to eat then i just left her, when i opened the nest box she could not even growl because she was gargling
Johnn can you get Epernix Pour on and treat her? it's a cattle wormer but is very safe for poultry and easy to use all you have to do is part the feathers to get to her skin at the base of the neck and put the drops there depending on how much she weighs Bantam 3 drops LF 5-7 drops.
Smokey and Topsy are both back to laying, their babies will be five weeks old on Tuesday. Smokey was in the run with her babies, but last night she abandoned them for the roost. I'm curious to know ow soon Topsy will do the same.
I also caught Sunny sitting on her egg after laying it. And she has begun screeching the broody yell. I took her egg and booted her off the nest. I do not need another broody any time soon. Although I do still want some dark brown eggs...hmmmm.
There ya go
Somebody needs to let my girls know it's supposed to be contagious!
I've got so many eggs right now, I can't get rid of them all. Sheesh.
(I've still got 2 that look like they're thinking about it including my Red Sex Link but they are taking their sweet time committing!
Miss Lizzie was running around in FULL cabbage mode this morning but she lays her egg and off she goes - in full cabbage mode. Clucking all the way.)

Day 13 for Miss Naima,however. Still sitting on 8 eggs.
Yes but look you have 1 hen sitting on 8 eggs, I have 3 hens sitting on a total of 6 eggs, we have to keep the pop down some what here.

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