Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

Not long now! I have a cut off this little so and so! I wanted to take a took at her egg and she got a hold of my skin and started yanking it around and it started to bleed!


Bella and her little man! He had ago at one of the big girl chicks today (chicks from the broody hen above) and he give one of them a hard peck and she ran away thinking it was another hen but then looked back to see him chasing her, so she turned around and got him!!
We have a broody hen and we where hoping to switch some chicks with the infertile eggs and golf ball she's been sitting on for 21 days now.
We have heard to do that at night. Does anyone else have any advice?

You don't have to wait until night, it depends on the broody and how she's behaving. I just did the same thing with my Silky and Maran. The Silky didn't miss a beat, she was willing to take any chicks I put under her. She was like that the last time as well. The Maran however freaked out, pecked me & the chick and flew out of the nest. I waited a bit and tried again and she took them the next time. I was more careful with putting the chicks under her rather then in front of her the second time.

I removed the eggs and then immediately put in the chicks.
Chick two is out and looking good! It had got its bum stuck in the shell! The feathers were stuck to the membrane and the broody so I took the shell out afyer detaching it from everyone and the chick looks much happier! Haha. Starting to stumble around so fingers crossed for them both through the night. Would love them to be two hens....bur knowing my luck with all the trouble with my hatch I'll have two roosters :0( who I can't keep! Right now...I love yhe little fuzzballs tho!
Chick two is out and looking good! It had got its bum stuck in the shell! The feathers were stuck to the membrane and the broody so I took the shell out afyer detaching it from everyone and the chick looks much happier! Haha. Starting to stumble around so fingers crossed for them both through the night. Would love them to be two hens....bur knowing my luck with all the trouble with my hatch I'll have two roosters :0( who I can't keep! Right now...I love yhe little fuzzballs tho!
So glad 2 of your chicks made it out!!!!!!!

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