Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

I *think* I know why my Princess would not take the chick.. She's been glued to that nest box for almost two weeks, just getting out to puff and screech at everyone and run back - just like a broody.. stays in the nest box at night, too..

But I caught her today - she's still laying eggs! Maybe she's 'pre-broody' trying to get her nest full? All my other broodies just go broody and that's that. :p 

I don't call them broody until they stay on the nestbox at night for three nights and stop laying. Otherwise you're right, she's prebroody or just prefers the safety of the nestbox at night. Hope she stops laying soon and gets busy being broody for real!
I don't call them broody until they stay on the nestbox at night for three nights and stop laying. Otherwise you're right, she's prebroody or just prefers the safety of the nestbox at night. Hope she stops laying soon and gets busy being broody for real!
Naw, she's definitely exhibiting broody behaviour - screeching, poofing, yelling at chickens that come near 'her' spot.. Plus when she does get up she runs around like a tiny turkey screeching hahaha..

but I am almost positive that was her egg today. I was wondering why I was getting so many blue eggs! :)
My SS has decided to go broody. YAY! However, she has set up nesting in an overgrown part of our yard. It took me 4 days to find her nest. The only way I found it was by following her back after her break. I was less than a foot away from her the day before that and didn't even know. Anyway, my concern is rain. If it rains will the eggs be ok? Here are some pictures of her: Can you see her in the first picture?:lol:
Naw, she's definitely exhibiting broody behaviour - screeching, poofing, yelling at chickens that come near 'her' spot.. Plus when she does get up she runs around like a tiny turkey screeching hahaha..

but I am almost positive that was her egg today. I was wondering why I was getting so many blue eggs! :) 

She was probably building her clutch :)
My SS has decided to go broody. YAY! However, she has set up nesting in an overgrown part of our yard. It took me 4 days to find her nest. The only way I found it was by following her back after her break. I was less than a foot away from her the day before that and didn't even know. Anyway, my concern is rain. If it rains will the eggs be ok? Here are some pictures of her: Can you see her in the first picture?:lol:
She has a great hiding place :) She will protect the eggs from the rain.
Oh sorry about the Sussex, some broodies just aren't really good at being moms.

I would be surprised that a monthly would be accepted by the mom and more importantly they would follow the mom's clucks.

well its a strange thing. She goes underneath the silkie, and the silkie is fine with that. Its just when they are all up moving around the silkie somewhat pecks at the month old more of like a what are you doing calm down. I am thinking about putting them back outside this weekend, but sectioning them off since the other little one was stepped on by another hen. I am not sure why the mom didnt protect her.

The other hens were pretty uninterested by the month old silkie, which is good, but the poor little thing just wants a mommy. The other babies I am having NO problems with, it is just this little silkie. I am hoping that after a few days they will all be a happy little family, but who knows.
My SS has decided to go broody. YAY! However, she has set up nesting in an overgrown part of our yard. It took me 4 days to find her nest. The only way I found it was by following her back after her break. I was less than a foot away from her the day before that and didn't even know. Anyway, my concern is rain. If it rains will the eggs be ok? Here are some pictures of her:

Can you see her in the first picture?
I saw a video on youtube about broody hens and the man had a hen out side and to protect her from rain her put a plastic cover over it and sued tent pins i think to keep it into the ground. I'd love my hens to go broody in a nest out side, but in England i do not know how the hen would survive with out weather! her and the eggs would get blown away!

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