Olive Egg???? Pics added of hens UPDATE! OMG!!!!

UPDATE: If I had not seen this with my own eyes I would not have believed it and I am still perplexed as to how the heck this can happen.....

It is my little Houdan Hen laying these Green Eggs!!!!!!!!!!! How in the heck can a breed that lays white eggs, lay a green one???? Even if the Blue gene was present somewhere, logic would tell you that the egg laid should be slightly tinted or very light blue.......

I either have a freak or a Gold Mine on my hands
So the blue gene on any color egg gives green? I tend to think logically and I would think it would be light blue
But then again what the heck do I know???
my friend bought some houdan eggs and said they were very expensive, I am wondering where yours came from, and that maybe you should look into the breeder or send them a note.

I also would think it would be more blue than green but not if it was a green egg layer that got into the mix and not a blue egg layer to begin with. My first assumption is that someone's EE got in with their hudans at some point. I also would think that this would not be an isolated incident.
Cool looking bird and great color
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Usually, blue plus brown equals green in egg color. That's why all my BR/Ameraucana crosses lay green eggs. That's why I thought it would likely have been the Orps laying that one, in addition to the fact that it was shaped more like an Orp egg. Could be a blue egg gene is way back in your Houdans' background and just popped up like Russian Roulette, I suppose.
All my orps have combs are you sure someone didnt trick you with an EE?

That Orp hatched from Pure Orp eggs, but I discovered it is my Houdan laying these eggs.

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