Olive Egger chicks


8 Years
Apr 18, 2016
I purchased 6 chicks 9 days ago, 2 Black Copper Marans, 2 Anconas and 2 Olive Eggers. The Olive Eggers are very slow to feather out...no tail feathers at all ... compared to the others. Is this because they're muts or do have 2 males? Were all sexed at hatchery as pullets...fingers crossed!
Is this because they're muts or do have 2 males?
That's one of the great myths of this forum, that slow feathering means a male. It does not unless the parents are set up especially for that. When they are set up that way they are called sex links. There is nothing to indicate yours are sex links.

In about a month post photos of those chicks. Include a close-up of the head so we can see the comb and wattles, if they have wattles. I like a second photo showing their legs and profile. We might be able to tell you sex by then. Not until.

Were all sexed at hatchery as pullets
Vent sexing is around 90% correct. Sone chicks can be hard but the odds are really good you got two girls. The odds are tremendously good you got at least one female. You don't get guarantees but I like your odds.
One of my neighbors FREAKED out last year because 3 of her 4 chicks feathered at the same rate and the last one was way behind. (They wanted one chick per member of the family, and can’t keep a rooster, so she thought for sure someone would have to give their chicken up…) The difference was astonishing, but she still ended up with 4 pullets!

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