OMG ! look at what i found! {pic!]UPDATE

Just thought I would throw my two cents in. I critter is a coon. I got good money if you went out there an looked at the front paw, it would look like a little hand. That critter has been laying there quite awhile hide is slipping. Just some thoughts from a coon hunter.
Shees! I see canine teeth as well as a nose too. Either way It will draw lots of predictors that eat that sort of thing. I would get rid of it some how.
I live in CT too and we have ALL kinds of wild animals here in northern CT, so it doesn't surprise me that you would find this guy in your area. It does surprise me that he is dead on his back though. Seems odd.
I still say he was shot out of the tree. That's why he's on his back. And he really does look like the big old raccoons we have around here. I mean, if they were dead on their backs for a couple of days....

I actually did an image search of "raccoon teeth", because I thought they would look similar to dog teeth. They do. I would include a link, but it was so long I wasn't sure it would work. I may work on that.
Hey, guys, common things are common! It's a DAWG!!!! Hair too long for coyote or coon, long fluffy tail without rings, no mask, elongated snout, paws not hands. The dark markings on muzzle and legs look like a Shepherd mix. And that wound in the neck looks interesting. If it was rabid, it could die twisted and writhing with lips pulled back. I'd ask about rabies in the area, missing dogs, known feral dogs, etc. I think the hole in the neck is from predation, not sure. Awesome thread!!!!

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