One of my runner duck eggs hatched into this chick?

You are using a broody hen to hatch? Any chance that she hatched one of her own eggs?

You (generic you) should be able to tell the difference between duck and chicken eggs by the feel of the shell. Which doesn't help one bit after they have already hatched, or from looking at a photo, either.

About all I can tell about breed is that it is definitely not a duck.
You are using a broody hen to hatch? Any chance that she hatched one of her own eggs?

You (generic you) should be able to tell the difference between duck and chicken eggs by the feel of the shell. Which doesn't help one bit after they have already hatched, or from looking at a photo, either.

About all I can tell about breed is that it is definitely not a duck.

Definitely not a duck!

Broody hen had stopped laying and we had her locked away from all the other hens so we are pretty sure one of the duck eggs wasn't. Never dawned on me to feel the eggs, they arrived, they were suppose to be duck so I thought nothing more about it, but will the next time!! LOL
Did it lose it's multicolored toes?? OMG look at your cutie ducks!!! FUN THREAD!

I have 2 mama muscovies sitting on 3 scovy eggs right now with 2 bantam cochin hens sitting on a buncha bantam eggs. A lone chick hatched weak (chicken) and mama tried to eat it, so Miss Dottie is in the bator now...hoping to slip her in under the ducks tomorrow (duck eggs have PIPd)
It is seven weeks old now and it does appear to be rumpless. We do not own any rumpless chickens, until now that is! I had not noticed its toes had all turned black so it did lose its cute little multi-colored toes!
UPDATE: Here she is, all grown up, well sort of, she is nearly 5 months old now. She is a beautiful bearded hen. She is the darkest black we have in the entire flock, nobody like her!

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