Oriental Gamefowl Thread!

Here is a picture of the 2 madagascar pullets I retained from last year and the 3/4 asil 1/4 tai stag I have them with. I hope to acomplish a few things by doing this cross. I will have to wait and see how it goes. I hope it works as these dang madagascars lay so few eggs, it is a one shot per year chance.
Here is a picture of the 2 madagascar pullets I retained from last year and the 3/4 asil 1/4 tai stag I have them with. I hope to acomplish a few things by doing this cross. I will have to wait and see how it goes. I hope it works as these dang madagascars lay so few eggs, it is a one shot per year chance.

Those are cool looking. I hope mine are hens.
Cowboy, how much do those "bantams" weigh as cocks?........Pop
Back when certain things were legal in the state of confusion I live in (Okla) I had a nice set of scales. I do not own them any longer for not wanting anyone to think I harbored paraphernalia for any of that old illegal stuff. Long story short, I would just be guessing if I said what I thought they weighed. But if I guessed I would say mid 2 lbs.
Geez, there's all kinds of legitimate reasons to weigh an animal! Ya can't walk in the door of any veterinarian without weighing something, and a good deal of the struggle in breeding to type is getting the size right!
Right but I'm sorry, in the more southern states having even a scale that looks like the old, you know, types - There's gonna be someone questioning you. These days just simply having a bunch of roosters makes you a target. Especially shipping them to other countries.

I personally use a little hand-held digital hanging scale. Works great, and is quite accurate. The only downside is that it is the hanging type, so, the bird has to go through the not-so-fun experience of being stuffed into a canvas bag while being weighed.
I want to get a Digital Scale that goes to like 20lbs or so. I would like to know what All of my birds weigh. Everything From my Orpingtons to O Shamo and to the KO Shamo I am getting Saturday! I am getting they from Old*Cowboy. I started building their pens tonight. It will only take an hour or 2 to finish at the most tomorrow or Friday. I'll Post a pic here in a few minutes.

Right but I'm sorry, in the more southern states having even a scale that looks like the old, you know, types - There's gonna be someone questioning you. These days just simply having a bunch of roosters makes you a target. Especially shipping them to other countries.

I personally use a little hand-held digital hanging scale. Works great, and is quite accurate. The only downside is that it is the hanging type, so, the bird has to go through the not-so-fun experience of being stuffed into a canvas bag while being weighed.

I got accused this about a month ago because I was selling 75-100 Day Old RSL Males on Craigslist. I hatched about 150 or so eggs and I kept the Pullets. The guy called me and said he was going to turn me in. I said go ahead I'm not doing anything wrong. People jump to conclusions way to fast around here. Just raising other breeds besides Production RIR or BR get people saying stupid things.


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