Oriental Gamefowl Thread!

There are eagles around here but they tend to stick around the river mostly. I know better to mess with them. I just raise oriental bantams and it is much easier for the predators to kill them so I have to keep my guard up to protect them. I have seen eagles swoop down and catch cats while fishing down at the river. Coyotes have even moved in here to. I have lost some to them also but they were freerange chickens.
Back to pleasant conversation! Since we have dispersed more than half our flock of layers (about 180 Australorps), I am beginning to search for just the right kind of Oriental fowl. I will never want to be a 'breeder' but I do want a quality bird or perhaps a trio.

I now have room to keep them comfortable in our colder seasons.

My son and I are starting a SOP venture with our NNs but I want to have a little 'sideline' just for my own pleasure.

EDIT: I borrowed this pic from another site. This type of bird is high on my 'wish list'.
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What you look at is a Vietnam Ganoi. This is a eagle hennie color.

Thank you Sir. Color is of little consequence to me but putity is. I don't need or want the biggest/tallest bird in the world but I do likre them stocky and powerful.

While I like several of the Ganoi types, these seem most impressive. (to me).

Thank you again

Havnt put any pics on lately so thought I would
Have you seen a ganoi with 2 different colors in leg shank? One of the birds that i posted for sale has light yellow in 1 leg shanks and light green in the other shank. This is one of the Sign to look for in Vietnam GaNoi Leg Reading arts.
Back to pleasant conversation! Since we have dispersed more than half our flock of layers (about 180 Australorps), I am beginning to search for just the right kind of Oriental fowl. I will never want to be a 'breeder' but I do want a quality bird or perhaps a trio. I now have room to keep them comfortable in our colder seasons. My son and I are starting a SOP venture with our NNs but I want to have a little 'sideline' just for my own pleasure. [COLOR=FF0000]EDIT: [/COLOR]I borrowed this pic from another site. This type of bird is high on my 'wish list'.
Square shank legs birds are my favorite . I don't know is the angle how the picture was taken his legs looks short or hi is a blend of ganoi and aseel . What is the case on this hennie feather ?

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