Orpingtons: the good, bad and ugly

I have a 3 year old Jubilee Orpington. She's the only one of my birds to ever go broody, which she does 2-3 times a year.:rolleyes: She's easy to break in a crate. Her first summer she was my best layer.

If I have room for more chicks next spring, I am torn between getting some Buff Orpingtons and getting some more Australorps. Aussies have been my best layers overall.
Well out of the 40+ orpingtons I have owned I have never had any with fatty liver disease, overeat, lazy or any health issues for that matter. I feed free access 24/7 to 20% protein all flock and they free range on 30 acres. I don’t give treats or extras. My orpingtons are fantastic foragers and are always out foraging during daylight. They are all easy going and come running up to me when they see me. Broodiness could be a con I guess, but for me it works great and I didn’t have to pull out the incubator this year. I just tossed the eggs I wanted incubated under my hens.

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