ouch! BIG guinea egg


11 Years
Apr 4, 2008
SE Indiana
The poor girl must have been walking funny after this :eek:

What color are your guineas? All of the eggs I have are just like the middle egg. I know that the pearl ones are laying those.

I found a nest of what you call "normal guinea eggs" and I wasnt sure what they were. One was mixed in with the larger size
Are you sure that's a guinea egg? It looks like a turkey egg to me (the one in the middle). It's shaped more like a turkey egg and has spots. My guinea eggs never have spots.
rooster - we have pearl? guineas, the regular dark gray with white spots, and a couple lavenders, we have never had an egg this big before

Chickenannie - nope it can't be a turkey egg since my guineas are contained and separate from the turkeys, I do get eggs with spots, not normally so pronounced, but that might just be due to the larger size

I did have a chicken rooster in the pen, but he is just a little guy, maybe five pounds and all his sisters lay eggs just a little bigger than the 'normal' guinea egg, so I don't think he did it

lilcountry - we haven't eaten any of our guinea eggs yet, we get to much money for the keets, but I have been told they are 'richer'
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just to compare, here are my guinea eggs. some are larger compared to the one smaller tan one.


most of mine look like the new guinea egg you found today.

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