Outdoor Quail hutches


Dec 27, 2023
San Diego
Got the setup for the summer…!!!
I’m doing four hutches…
Those are nice pens.
I'm liking that pagoda type sun screen.

I guess in SD they'd spend most of their time outside, so don't need the same size enclosed area. Not for birds that might see snow and zero temps like my area?
I'm learning as I go, so that's just guessing.

Can I ask what is your goal? Breeding, or fertilizing eggs?
I'm trying to understand the smaller pens for five birds instead of a larger pen for 15 birds (for instance)?
Those are nice pens.
I'm liking that pagoda type sun screen.

I guess in SD they'd spend most of their time outside, so don't need the same size enclosed area. Not for birds that might see snow and zero temps like my area?
I'm learning as I go, so that's just guessing.

Can I ask what is your goal? Breeding, or fertilizing eggs?
I'm trying to understand the smaller pens for five birds instead of a larger pen for 15 birds (for instance)?
Thank you...
The pagoda is a BBQ grill cover...LOL
Yeah, once they hit 4 weeks or once the temp is over 50 at night I puttem out there....

So yeah you're precisely correct.
Smaller hutch for "Breeding groups" of 5:1. Very fertile eggs for eating and hatching...
The goal is to have two of these setups to have a total of eight hutches. I'm going for Broiler size Quail...(500-610grams)

Also ill have hopefully a full batch roll out Hutch like yours with 15-20 hens only in the near future but with a different breed stock.. These "Giants" don't have large eggs. (~10g)

Thanks for the detailed reply. I tend to ask a lot of questions, but that's how my brain works, lol.

I really like what you are doing there. Well thought out.

I'm only going for one breed starting out, but if I wanted to try my hand at different breeds this setup looks perfect. Maybe in a hoop hutch with closed ends due to my area.

Looking forward to seeing you running things.

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