Pacific Northwest Poultry Association double show, Salem, OR Oct 13-14, 2012

As we get closer I'll figure out a dinner place for the Friday night of the show, and post the time / place....
Do you happen to have any BPR pullets? I just love our little Ginger we got from you earlier this summer. The BBO's are shaping up nicely also.
I have 1 BPR pullet and still have the lone roo. She's really small. I'm sure I'll take her, I'm trying to place the last of those bantams.
If you bring her (BPR), I'll be bringing her home with me, if i can get her without the roo. I got lucky the last time. We had the BPR & BBO's here for 2 months before hubby realized they were here. We even took them to both fairs before he knew we where up to 5 roos. 5th doesn't really count yet he's not quite 3 months yet and no crowing. Amazing the difference between hatchery and exhibition lines, and 2 1/2 months her was an inch taller than the hatchery PR that brooded the eggs. The pullets are the same size as her with the exception of the slow feathering runt (the only splash in the BLRW eggs we ordered from shanshan51).
Hi all,
I have lots of birds available that I am selling and could bring tot he show.
Royal Palm Turkeys- some ~3 months old and lots of breeder quality birds ~14 months old
Pearl Guineas- will be 3 weeks to ~2months old at the show, several available
Lavender Guineas- one or two young birds availible
Weeder Geese- Brown Chinese goose and several Brown Chinese x White Embden crosses
Buff Brahma Bantams- pet quality cockerels and cocks, great showmanship birds, dont have any dq's but probably wouldn't win at a show either
Silver-grey Dorking- a few young pullets that re possibly breeder quality, a couple of pet quality pullets and one pet quality cockerel
Pet Ducks- several Mallards and field Rouens, males only, also one male Blue Swedish x Mallard cross-male

I also have a rabbit birthing (nest box) for a holland lop sized rabbit and lots of blown eggs (turkey, chicken, duck).

If you are interested in anything please PM me. I need to get rid of quite a few birds due to the rising feed prices so prices will be reasonable and negotiable.

My friends and I are staying at the Phoenix Inn Suites. We might have an extra room set aside if everything is already booked up.

I've got to get my entry in the mail tomorrow.....
So just curious, what hotel is everyone staying in? Anyone donating anything cool to the raffle? I think I might bring some legbar eggs to donate just because I don't want to see them go to waste
We're all staying at the Phoenix Inn at the north end of Salem (the one listed in the show catalog) :)

Our 4-H club is putting together a chick-starter-kit to donate to the raffle.
I am donating a pair of Pearl Guinea keets to the breeders auction and some nice calendulas to the regular raffle.

I am staying at the campground ( on the fairgrounds) and it sounds like there is lots of room there, plus it fits my budget at $15 a night.

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