Panting chicken, can’t stand or walk, help


In the Brooder
Nov 16, 2023
I noticed over a two day period my 10 month old hen was not participating in any normal action that the rest of my flock was doing. She was stumbling a bit a looked weak trying to jump up on the roost. In the morning she couldn’t get off her roost so I separated her, brought her inside in a crate. She was so weak and couldn’t stand up. I immediately thought that it was Mareks as we lost a bird a month ago that im guessing was mareks. I started her up with Nutri drench, and decided to de-worm her with safe guard just in case.
I’m worried about her panting as she seems weak and maybe in pain. Her poop is normal and she’s eating a lot.. the food just needs to be near her.
Any ideas folks what else to do, super sad. I live in the North East , NJ
Sorry about your hen. Has she been getting enough to drink the last 24 hours, alone with food? Could she be dehydrated due to her problems getting around? The best way to find out if it is Mareks, which I hope it is not, iIs to have your state vet do a necropsy on her if she dies. What is your general location? Does she normally lay eggs? Let us know how she is doing in the morning. Here is a list of state vets and how to keep and take in a body for a necropsy:
She’s definitely getting enough water with food, I’ve also gave her coconut water with a syringe to make sure. The open beak seems strange, temps in the 50’s at night and mid 60’s during the day. Appreciate any other ideas.. I’m wondering if an antibiotic would help?


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She’s definitely getting enough water with food, I’ve also gave her coconut water with a syringe to make sure. The open beak seems strange, temps in the 50’s at night and mid 60’s during the day. Appreciate any other ideas.. I’m wondering if an antibiotic would help?
What is the temperature where she is located? Can you osee any mucus or other material inside her beak? How much SafeGuard are you using? The 10% fenbendazole should be given 0.23 ml per pound orally for 5 consecutive days to treat gapeworms, capillary and roundworms. Antibiotics are up to you. If she had an internal infection, those might help, but I usually don’t use them without a reason. I would contact your state vet and get some details about Mareks and about how to get a necropsy. Ask if they have seen Mareks lately in your area.
yes, temps in the lower 60"s during the day. im using that exact formula of SafeGuard, im on day 3. She just can't stand at all no strength at all. She's eating beautifully. I guess I'll give it a week or two. She's my lightest chicken of a flock of 7. "Yolanda" (love her)
Im dong vitamin therapy etc.
Thanks for your help!
Sadly, I had to euthanize her, I think she was in pain as her breathing became more difficult, and her legs became more paralyzed. I’m almost 100% sure that it was Mareks.
I’m super sad to loose her. And of course, now I’m concerned about the rest of my flock..

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