Partridge Rockindottes, GL Brown Leghorndottes, and Wyandiques! Oh my!

Well, they are older now. I think I have 2 cockerels and 4 pullets.

These are the two leghorn GLW crosses. Suspected cockerel on left/bottom


Here's the suspected gold laced brown leghorndotte pullet.

Partridge rockindotte pullet.

Rockindotte roo.

Black sex link Domindotte/Wyandique pullet. There are two of these.
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The hatch was 50/50 roos/pullets. The brown leghorn crosses are both roos. One is a meanie and is going down the road some time this week. It would have been nice to get a pullet and a roo from each mom, to see what they would have been like. I'm happy with the two sex links though! I will take photos of the others soon.

Here are two photos of my PR/GLW girl. These pics are almost a month old now, I'll post new ones tomorrow or tonight. She has black fluff from the wings down, and from the neck up. Everywhere else is laced. Very pretty. :)

Sorry for blurry large photos. They look GREAT on my phone screen. ;)

Wyanrock pullet.

Rockindotte roo named "Tiny". He is going to be HUGE. He has just started crowing, but most of the time he makes really deep-sounding baby chick peeps. He's my baby Huey.

The Domindottes/Wyandiques. very sweet, and small of stature like their moms.

Last and least, the mean leghorndotte rooster. He's very nice to look at, but he's very sneaky and tries to peck me a lot, with hackles raised. The other leghorn cross roo has longer sickles, and is a little nicer. At least he will eat out of my hand, unlike this guy.
So this girl lays a green egg.

Egg in the center is hers. Both parents (Dom and GLW) are from a hatchery. Dad must have blue egg gene somewhere?

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