Pasty butt chicks


Oct 17, 2024
Good afternoon yall,

Recently got 50 chicks, they’re currently just over 2 days old. I noticed a bunch of them have poop around their vent area, but are not acting lethargic, they’re still eating and drinking and running around the brooder. I tried to clean a few but they mostly got mad at me and seemed more annoyed after the fact. Is it normal for baby chicks to have dirty behinds? Or do I need to clean every single one that has anything by their vent.
Good afternoon yall,

Recently got 50 chicks, they’re currently just over 2 days old. I noticed a bunch of them have poop around their vent area, but are not acting lethargic, they’re still eating and drinking and running around the brooder. I tried to clean a few but they mostly got mad at me and seemed more annoyed after the fact. Is it normal for baby chicks to have dirty behinds? Or do I need to clean every single one that has anything by their vent.
Yes, you do need to clean it. Even if they're acting fine now, they can still die in a matter of hours. Even if it isn't covering the vent, more can build up and block the vent before you realize it. No chick likes being cleaned, but it's for their own good

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