Owner/Operator R&S Mini Velociraptor Petting Zoo
I have 8 new feather babies. I got them on the 9th from TSC. (Please no comments about where they came from, I have my reasons. I shop local and there.) I checked them over when I got them home. They looked great. I got black copper marans, buff Orrington and light Brahmas My first set of ladies are colored layers and were about a week or so old when I got them last year. No issues. I have been researching a d asking questions since.
Got the new babies (known as The Regulators) settled in and they were happy and being babies. I had to be away longer than normal as I work from home but hubby had surgery and I did my morning routine made sure everyone at my little ranch was set. Me being me, I had nothing to do in the waiting room so I watched The Regulators on camera. They were all over the broader. Eating and drinking and napping. Got home and went and tended to the ladies and the other babies. Got to them and I noticed one Orrington had poop on her butt.
Thankfully I had seen enough threads on pasty butt that I knew what to do.
What I didn't expect soon as that little vent was free, poop shoots out. irritated her little heinie would get. Dried her off and as I put her bag in, I noticed there wasn't any poop in the brooder.. Sure enough 5 more had it. I sat on the floor cleaning poo shoots and getting fired upon in violent fashion. These babies are gangsta. They already got the look down for the album cover and if you add in the looks from tonight, they are true thugs.
After cleaning commenced, the two with it the worst, their little vents were still red and swollen.
I stayed and made sure they were all OK and they settled and went to sleep.
I never dealt with this with the OGs and they are all from the same hatchery and they were older than these ones.
There was no poo in the broader, they looked good yesterday. Is this a common thing in chick's that are only a few days old. What do I need to keep an eye out for.
I'm worried about T-Boz...her little heine was the worst.
so as i sat on the floor covered in poo, apologizing for invading their, what could I have done to prevent it?
Got the new babies (known as The Regulators) settled in and they were happy and being babies. I had to be away longer than normal as I work from home but hubby had surgery and I did my morning routine made sure everyone at my little ranch was set. Me being me, I had nothing to do in the waiting room so I watched The Regulators on camera. They were all over the broader. Eating and drinking and napping. Got home and went and tended to the ladies and the other babies. Got to them and I noticed one Orrington had poop on her butt.
Thankfully I had seen enough threads on pasty butt that I knew what to do.
What I didn't expect soon as that little vent was free, poop shoots out. irritated her little heinie would get. Dried her off and as I put her bag in, I noticed there wasn't any poop in the brooder.. Sure enough 5 more had it. I sat on the floor cleaning poo shoots and getting fired upon in violent fashion. These babies are gangsta. They already got the look down for the album cover and if you add in the looks from tonight, they are true thugs.
After cleaning commenced, the two with it the worst, their little vents were still red and swollen.
I stayed and made sure they were all OK and they settled and went to sleep.
I never dealt with this with the OGs and they are all from the same hatchery and they were older than these ones.
There was no poo in the broader, they looked good yesterday. Is this a common thing in chick's that are only a few days old. What do I need to keep an eye out for.
I'm worried about T-Boz...her little heine was the worst.
so as i sat on the floor covered in poo, apologizing for invading their, what could I have done to prevent it?