Pasty butt very lethargic 5-6 day old polish


Mar 16, 2025
I got this chick from a hatchery on Thursday. It had bad pasty butt. I soaked her 3 separate times and got rid of it. She was fine yesterday. this morning when I woke up she seemed very lethargic and got worse as the time went on in the morning. I gave her some nutri drench, separated her from brooder with her own heat plate, food and water. She hasn’t been eating since she’s been here and I assumed it was because of her pasty butt. I encouraged her to eat dried mealworms to see if she would eat anything and she did yesterday but nothing today. Do I give her sugar water? Do I give her raw egg yolk?
I'm sorry about your chick. Yes, I'd work on getting fluids into her. If you have electrolytes those would be good or you can give her drops of sugar water.
Give the Poultry Nutri-Drench twice a day (about 2 drops each time).

See if you can entice her to eat wet mushy feed or crumbled/mushed tofu.

If you have photos of her and her poop those may be good to see.

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