Pekin Duck Club!

So if I order that do I still need brewers yeast? I just want to make sure they have Althea niacin they need. Also How much did you put on the food. And would you recommend putting it in the water or food when they first hatch
Hi guys! I'm new to this site and new to owning backyard birds. I posted in the duck subforum itself, but I wanted to post here too! I got these two ducklings from someone who no longer wanted them, but I have no idea how old they are or what breed they might be. Some people have said Runners, and some have said Pekins. I'm kind of thinking Pekin the older they get. You guys are Pekin experts, so what do you think?

That's Merry on the right, and Pippin on the left. They already have me hooked on having ducks..
So if I order that do I still need brewers yeast? I just want to make sure they have Althea niacin they need. Also How much did you put on the food. And would you recommend putting it in the water or food when they first hatch

Nope, if you use this stuff you won't need Brewer's yeast - it has all the niacin needed (5,000 mg per package). I would recommend using it in the water first, but it doesn't matter as long as it's getting in their systems in the correct proportions. The instructions are to use one package (4oz) in 128 gallons of water or one package per 500 lbs of food. I want to say it was something like .44 grams (almost half a gram) per 32 oz of water - I was mixing it in a Powerade bottle. It will have a dull, slightly yellow color when mixed correctly. If mixed too heavily in water, it will be fluorescent yellow and too much is not a good thing. For the ease of mixing, I would start off using it in water until you get more comfortable with it - it's just easier to tell if you've mixed it too strongly or not when in water.
Hi guys! I'm new to this site and new to owning backyard birds. I posted in the duck subforum itself, but I wanted to post here too! I got these two ducklings from someone who no longer wanted them, but I have no idea how old they are or what breed they might be. Some people have said Runners, and some have said Pekins. I'm kind of thinking Pekin the older they get. You guys are Pekin experts, so what do you think? :weee That's Merry on the right, and Pippin on the left. They already have me hooked on having ducks.. :D
I am not an expert just an observer but they are very cute.
Hi guys! I'm new to this site and new to owning backyard birds. I posted in the duck subforum itself, but I wanted to post here too! I got these two ducklings from someone who no longer wanted them, but I have no idea how old they are or what breed they might be. Some people have said Runners, and some have said Pekins. I'm kind of thinking Pekin the older they get. You guys are Pekin experts, so what do you think?

That's Merry on the right, and Pippin on the left. They already have me hooked on having ducks..

First off - SOOO FRIGGIN' CUTE!!! Welcome to duckies!!
Okay, second - looking at the curvature of the spine of the one on the right (Merry) makes me think these are standard Pekins. They could be runners, but I think the spine is a bit more straight in runners. I could be totally wrong - so maybe someone else can confirm?
Thank you for the welcome! I'll probably be on here pretty often learning about ducks.
The Indian Runner Ducklings I've seen online seem to walk very upright, where my ducklings look more squat when they walk around.
Thank you for the welcome! I'll probably be on here pretty often learning about ducks.
The Indian Runner Ducklings I've seen online seem to walk very upright, where my ducklings look more squat when they walk around.

Yep, Runners seem to "stand," I guess is the best way to put it. I would bet that you have standard Pekin ducklings.
And as for learning about any type of "Backyard bird(s)": this is the absolute best place on the net to do it!
The folks on here are helpful and knowledgeable and seem to genuinely care about whatever issue/problem you are having, so never hesitate to ask a question.
**The only dumb question is the question not asked.**
That's awesome! I tried some groups on Facebook, and the people were RUDE. They acted like I was cruel for intending to keep my ducks outside. They will be in a super secure coop with their own backyard, protected by a privacy fence, and a pool of their own. I don't personally see that as cruel!
I left those groups and came here, hoping the same thing wouldn't happen.

I do have a question though! What does it mean when I come into the area where the ducklings are, and they begin frantically peeping? They also kind of run around in a way that seems excited and start digging into the straw like they're looking for something? Then when I leave, they peep LOUDLY. I don't want to misinterpret this behavior. Are they upset by my presence, or are they just excited?
Hi everyone! I'm pretty new to raising ducks. This is my second year having some. Last year I had two rescue mallards that flew off when they were old enough. I liked having them so much that I bought 3 pekin ducklings. I love them! They have so much personality and they grow so daily haha. One of them has a leg problem though. I have another thread that explains is better and has some pictures and a video. Any advice is very welcome! :)

Here's my crew :) (Gilligan is the little one then Daisy on the left and Wesley on the right)

That's awesome! I tried some groups on Facebook, and the people were RUDE. They acted like I was cruel for intending to keep my ducks outside. They will be in a super secure coop with their own backyard, protected by a privacy fence, and a pool of their own. I don't personally see that as cruel!
I left those groups and came here, hoping the same thing wouldn't happen.

I definitely don't see this as cruel! I have the exact same set-up - but my backyard is open right now, no fence...I have got to put up a fence. I keep an area of the yard temporarily cordoned off for the ducks and use a different area every three days or so to keep giving them green grasses and different bugs. They have a pool. They have good, nutritious food. They have grass and mud and sunshine...they ARE ducks lol Nobody could convince me that they are not happy!
I can pretty much assure you that you will never have the kind of experience on this forum that you encountered in those other groups. I have not. These folks have helped me tremendously - I could never thank them enough for the guidance, even when they don't know they've helped.

I do have a question though! What does it mean when I come into the area where the ducklings are, and they begin frantically peeping? They also kind of run around in a way that seems excited and start digging into the straw like they're looking for something? Then when I leave, they peep LOUDLY. I don't want to misinterpret this behavior. Are they upset by my presence, or are they just excited?

My babies do this, too. They do not like for me to leave them (though they get over it quickly), but they really don't want to be messed with either - they don't particularly care to be petted. I think they just enjoy my presence, especially since I hatched them out and they've always been around people. They also definitely associate me with food/treats. So, I think they're probably seeing you as a parental figure. Kinda like, "Hey, look! Mom/Dad is around and probably has food or a treat!"
Do you sit with them and talk to them? Do they like to be petted? Do you give them treats? It's okay if you do not, but if you were viewed as an outsider by them, they would probably go "on alert" and would likely display more aggressive behavior.

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