Pekin Duck Club!

I already view Merry and Pippin and family members. No different from my bunny or dog, so I don't think I could ever part with them or any others. If I'm not careful I'll end up with way too many ducks! Out of curiosity, why can't chickens and ducks be housed together? Will they peck each other? I have a friend who keeps them together without issues, but I have not tried it myself obviously.
Most times they are fine together... but all the birds have different personalities just like people.. and some just won't get along.

If they have a lot of space then they should be fine... so they can get away from each other.

Sometimes a male duck will try to mate with a chicken and injure it...

I keep mine together when they are smaller.. then house the ducks on their own.... there was never any fighting... but the ducks are very messy and smelly and messed up the chicken coop bad. When they are not in there its lovely and dry and clean and does not smell... when they are in there they wet everything and throw food everywhere and poop so much that the floor ends up damp, slimy and very smelly.. then the hens get dirty and carry the dirt up to the roost and nest boxes off their feet.
I already view Merry and Pippin and family members. No different from my bunny or dog, so I don't think I could ever part with them or any others. If I'm not careful I'll end up with way too many ducks! Out of curiosity, why can't chickens and ducks be housed together? Will they peck each other? I have a friend who keeps them together without issues, but I have not tried it myself obviously.
Eeee, cute fuzzy web footed family members.
Thank you! She's a little stinker, and bites all the time, but I love her

Thank you! Being new to ducks, when can I move them outside? I was thinking 4 weeks, because it's already warm where I am, but wasn't sure.
a lil' stinker, ah, makes her more endearing. Love....
I would love to be a member of this group. I rescued a duckling from the VA duck pond in October of 2013. Apparently she had been dropped off as a duckling, and the adult ducks in the pond ripped off one of her baby wings. She has grown into a beautiful and loving girl and lays me an egg a day. This spring I brought home three ducklings, and put them in a small kennel in Bailey's outdoor area. The second day I went out to feed and water them, and as they peeped she just pushed past me, rounded them up and took them to her pond. They were like little monkeys, everything she did, they did. They are fat happy babies. Bailey is a wonderful Mama. My avatar is a photo taken a few days ago.
I would love to be a member of this group. I rescued a duckling from the VA duck pond in October of 2013. Apparently she had been dropped off as a duckling, and the adult ducks in the pond ripped off one of her baby wings. She has grown into a beautiful and loving girl and lays me an egg a day. This spring I brought home three ducklings, and put them in a small kennel in Bailey's outdoor area. The second day I went out to feed and water them, and as they peeped she just pushed past me, rounded them up and took them to her pond. They were like little monkeys, everything she did, they did. They are fat happy babies. Bailey is a wonderful Mama. My avatar is a photo taken a few days ago.

Awesome story, thanks for sharing that!!!!!!
I would love to be a member of this group. I rescued a duckling from the VA duck pond in October of 2013. Apparently she had been dropped off as a duckling, and the adult ducks in the pond ripped off one of her baby wings. She has grown into a beautiful and loving girl and lays me an egg a day. This spring I brought home three ducklings, and put them in a small kennel in Bailey's outdoor area. The second day I went out to feed and water them, and as they peeped she just pushed past me, rounded them up and took them to her pond. They were like little monkeys, everything she did, they did. They are fat happy babies. Bailey is a wonderful Mama. My avatar is a photo taken a few days ago.
Glad to have you here. Your story is wonderful. I am glad the sweet rescue is thriving.
Oops I meant to saw I view them *as* family members, but you guys knew what I meant, haha! Ohh that makes sense! Merry and Pippin are VERY messy. I'm changing out their straw almost constantly, but I'm pretty particular about my pets being clean and I enjoy that meticulous cleaning with my pets. I can see how they would make life more messy for chickens! If I ever get chickens, I might make a separate coop for them altogether. Do you guys have any tips for giving water to the ducks in the coop? I'm using a very shallow pan, which they love to splash in but it's what's making the epic mess in the coop. I looked at the little waterer things at Rural King, but I worried they couldn't fit their heads in it to drink out of them when they are fully grown.

Awesome job rescuing sweet Bailey!
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Glad to be here and I'm glad other people kiss their ducks!!
That baby duck is so cute! I got mine when they were already getting a little big, so they were never that tiny, fluffy baby stage. I went to the feed store to get some supplies and they had Cayugas that were only a couple days old... It was SO hard not to get any of them, but I had to hold and cuddle them.
I don't know how one couldn't kiss their ducks. And I am only referring to ducks that are ok with being handled. The skittish ones I'd leave alone. I don't own any but I have watched my friend's when he's been out of town. And I can hold and kiss the Welsh Harlequin. The pekin not so much so I don't force myself on her. But I do have little bitty tiny zebra finches who are free ranging, more or less, in my place. When I do have occasion to hold them, which is rare because they hate it, they get kissed. Neat you got to cuddle the Cayugas at the feed store.

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