
Jan 19, 2019
Hello! I have owned ducks before but am currently interested in raising some ducklings again! I have a feed supply near me that sells pekin and rouen ducklings and I am doing some research on which breed is more affectionate. Please give me some advice for which breed is more suitable as a pet from experience and reasons why either do and do not make good pets.

I am not looking to raise the ducks for meat or egg purposes. Thank you!
Both of them will do well but you need to tame them. Almost any breed of mallard derived duck will have the same friendly attitude once they are tamed. My tamest ducks were all Muscovies, the only ducks that would come over by me to hang out even if I didn't have treats for them. Mallard derived ducks will do the same from what I understand but I have never owned one that tame. I currently have 1 Pekin drake, he will be 7 this spring according to the person who gave him to me. I have only owned him for 3 years now. I had several rouens before but only have one right now. They all became friendly faster than the Pekin but I do not know what his paste experiences were with humans because I got him as a mature drake, I got all the rouens as ducklings. I have gotten all my Muscovies, except for one that I hatched, as adults. The friendliest one was a mature hen that a moving neighbor gave me, she was very skittish at first but quickly became tame and was as friendly as a dog. Unfortunately she got killed by a dog several years ago. This is just my experience with a few birds though, I have only ever owned 4 rouens and 1 pekin so the breeds should definitely not be judged off of the attitudes of just 5 birds.
I've owned both pekin and rouen ducks over the years. Both can be very friendly if you put a lot of time into raising them. My 2 pekin drakes I have right now are pretty friendly and love me petting them before I put them in their cage for the night. The rouens I've had also enjoyed my company and one of my hens loved getting hugs. Can't go wrong with either breed honestly, though all ducks are gonna have different personalities.
You cannot go wrong with either. It depends on your handling them while they are little, but, each duck is different. We have three of each right now and six personalities. Our Rouens are a little friendlier overall but they were like that when brooding. Also, one got to spend a couple weeks in the house after a coyote attack so they have an unfair advantage over the Pekins.
Thank you all! Is there anyway to tell which has a more friendly personality when picking them out or do you just have to hope for the best? I'm very nervous about choosing one that hates me.
Thank you all! Is there anyway to tell which has a more friendly personality when picking them out or do you just have to hope for the best? I'm very nervous about choosing one that hates me.

I am by no meams a prof but i imagine if they approach you in a friendly manner or nuzzle your hands when you put it in thier enclosure then it could indicate humanization :love:love
Do not pressure yourself to make the perfect choice. It cannot be done. Each breed has tendencies but each duck is an individual, just like people. Of the nine we brooded in the fall, only two will hesitate to eat from your hand and even they will sometimes. They were handled and cuddled with a towel each day on their way back to the brooder after cleaning. Each has their own personality but what is funny is that they change from time to time. The quiet duck this week won’t shut up next. Just go with the flow and enjoy. Ducks are more soothing to the soul than any alcohol or drug.

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