Pekins trying to drown Cayuga


9 Years
May 2, 2010

I have 2 Pekins and one Cayuga. The Cayuga is definitely a female. I thought the Pekins were also female, but evidently at least one is a male. He jumps on the female in their pool- to mate I guess- and practically drowns her. I am very worried for her. What can I do?
If it doesnt last that long I wouldnt worry, my ducks mate in teh pond also, and It seems like they are going to drown, but usually it doesnt last long enough to do so.
Just keep an eye on them. How long is her head underwater for?
I can't separate them permanently and since it's clear I have at least one male, this will be going on for a while. I just noticed this happening today- the water sumberging-, they have just "come to age" at 4 months. I can see one feather with a tiny curl on the tail of one Pekin which a noticed today----so I know that one is a boy- otherwise I can't tell them apart. The Cayuga has a lower, quieter, honking voice and the two Pekins are loud and sound the same. Does that tell me both Pekins are boys?
Females are always loud, males have a raspy voice, you couldnt even consider a quack.

You could try getting more females?
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bummer. both Pekins are males- raspy voice.
I don't have room for any more unfortunately.

would you suggest getting rid of one male and leaving one male/one female?
I feel so bad getting rid of him. But I want eggs!
you don't need a male for egg production....only if you want fertile eggs.

They are like ladies....they don't need a male to have 'an egg'...
right- I know. I was just saying that I have no use for males, regardless of anything else, since I don't want to breed.
and--one more thing- do you think having one male and one female is dangerous for the female?

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